On Wed, 2004-12-01 at 12:11 -0600, Ian Bicking wrote:
> I just noticed some checkins by Jason for PID files and whatnot.
> Anyway, I have a different version of Launch.py that handles some
> similar issues -- writes its PID out to a file, changes its user and
> group, opens the log file.  It also checks if there's another Webware
> appserver (using the same pid file) and kills it if necessary (i.e.,
> does a restart).  This removes most of the logic from the rc/init
> script, and away from stupid shell scripting, which I can never get to
> work like I think it should.

Hi Ian,

I like the user/group/password stuff; that would be useful to have.

We also probably decide which way to go on the PID stuff.  In your source
tree, have you removed the code from the appserver which creates the PID
file (appserverpid.txt)?  Or do you simply create an additional pid file
with your launch script?

> I don't really like using Launch for all this, since it gets written out
> by MakeAppWorkDir.  I still don't quite understand what Launch is for.

I agree.  We should keep as much logic as possible in the webware tree
(not in the working dirs).  We _do_ need a few bits of info from the
working directory in order to bootstrap the AppServer:

1. python version to execute (i.e. python2.2 vs. /usr/bin/python vs.

2. path to webware installation

3. path to working dir (so that you don't have to be _in_ the working dir
to start/stop the appserver)

#1 is handled by AppServer/AppServer.bat.  #2 and #3 are handled by
Launch.py.  I think that all further logic and command-line parsing
(i.e. switching user/group, prompting for passwords, pid files, etc.) should
be done by code in the webware tree (not in Launch.py, but perhaps in
WebKit/Launch.py).  Thoughts?


P.S. I was never sure about the purpose of Launch.py either.  It was 
only during writing this email that I arrived at my current understanding.

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