Eric Radman wrote:

I've been doing some benchmarking on WSGI WebKit. Database apps seem to
run at about 80% of the speed of those running under mod_webkit2, which
is very respectable (much better than Woven!), but when I increase the
concurrency it doesn't do so well. At 100 concurrent connections it's
only able to push out 1/5 or 1/6th the number of pages/second as my test
server could with only 1 or 2 concurrent connections. Twisted itself is
very robust when it comes to handling many concurrent connections, so I
suspect that wsgi/webkit is not handling async connections properly.

I assume you're running it under Twisted? It is surprising if it has those connection limits. Unfortunately, I don't actually understand many subtleties of the Twisted server, or if the source of the problem is likely to be Twisted or WSGIKit. I'll copy Peter in case he knows of any likely gotchas.

It would be interesting to run it under a multi-threaded server more similar to the Webware AppServer. WSGIUtils includes one now, I believe, though I haven't tried it:

If it acts the same, it should be clear that WSGIKit is to blame, not the Twisted server. Or if it doesn't act the same, then that would be interesting too.

PEAK includes some multiprocess servers, but I've had a hard time getting the configuration right. The CGI server obviously won't be very interesting in this case ;)

Have you done any testing to see how wsgi/webkit handles dozens or
hundreds of concurrent connections?


P.S. Any word on who runs the webware-devel list?

Geoff runs it. He didn't notice any stuck messages. Maybe a wrong address?

P.P.S. Should I resend the message to it? I want some community

-- Ian Bicking / [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

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