Hello All, Using Webware 0.7 w/ PostgreSQL 7.2.1 and a hacked PyDO. RH7.2, Apache, WebKit.cgi
Development was moving right along untill... We inserted 838 rows for testing. When we select small subset of the records, everything seems to work. But, If we select the entire set of records, and try to display them the AppServer pukes without meaningful error. I've included the console output from one of our developers. I've checked the error messages, the apache logs and the webware logs. This really hurts our efforts. If anyone has ideas, suggestions, solutions, PLEASE help. If there needs to be more debugging, please let me know where to turn it on. Are there OS limits that would affect webware? -- Karl Putland Director of Technical Operations ShipEze Inc [lvanhelden@mercury webware]$ ./AppServer WebKit AppServer 0.7 part of Webware for Python Copyright 1999-2001 by Chuck Esterbrook. All Rights Reserved. WebKit and Webware are open source. Please visit: http://webware.sourceforge.net Process id is 21840 Date/time is Sun Jun 30 14:01:43 2002 CheckInterval = 100 Host = MaxServerThreads = 20 MinServerThreads = 5 PlugInDirs = ['/var/www/webware/Webware'] PlugIns = [] Port = 80086 PrintConfigAtStartUp = 1 StartServerThreads = 10 Verbose = 1 ActivityLogColumns = ['request.remoteAddress', 'request.method', 'request.uri', 'response.size', 'servlet.name', 'request.timeStamp', 'transaction.duration', 'transaction.errorOccurred'] ActivityLogFilename = /home/lvanhelden/projects/shipeze/shipit/webware/Logs/Activity.csv AdminPassword = admin CacheServletClasses = 1 CacheServletInstances = 1 ClearPSPCacheOnStart = 1 Contexts = {'default': 'MyContext', 'Testing': '/var/www/webware/Webware/WebKit/Testing', 'Examples': '/var/www/webware/Webware/WebKit/Examples', 'Admin': '/var/www/webware/Webware/WebKit/Admin', 'Docs': '/var/www/webware/Webware/WebKit/Docs', 'shipit': 'Contexts/shipit', 'MyContext': 'MyContext'} Debug = {'Sessions': 0} DirectoryFile = ['index', 'Index', 'main', 'Main'] DynamicSessionTimeout = 15 EmailErrorReportAsAttachment = 0 EmailErrors = 0 ErrorEmailHeaders = {'To': ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]'], 'Reply-to': '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'From': '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'Content-type': 'text/html', 'Subject': '[WebKit Error]'} ErrorEmailServer = mail.-.com ErrorLogFilename = /home/lvanhelden/projects/shipeze/shipit/webware/Logs/Errors.csv ErrorMessagesDir = /home/lvanhelden/projects/shipeze/shipit/webware/ErrorMsgs ExtensionCascadeOrder = ['.py', '.psp', '.html'] ExtensionsToIgnore = ['.pyc', '.pyo', '.py~', '.psp~', '.html~', '.bak'] ExtensionsToServe = [] ExtraPathInfo = 0 FancyTracebackContext = 5 FilesToHide = ['.*', '*~', '*.bak', '*.tmpl', '*.config', '__init__.*', '*.pyc', '*.pyo'] FilesToServe = [] IgnoreInvalidSession = 1 IncludeFancyTraceback = 0 LogActivity = 0 MaxDynamicMemorySessions = 10000 PrintConfigAtStartUp = 1 RPCExceptionReturn = traceback SaveErrorMessages = 1 SessionPrefix = None SessionStore = Dynamic SessionTimeout = 60 ShowDebugInfoOnErrors = 1 UnknownFileTypes = {'CheckDate': 1, 'Technique': 'serveContent', 'CacheContent': 1, 'ReuseServlets': 1} UseAutomaticPathSessions = 0 UseCascadingExtensions = 1 UserErrorMessage = The site is having technical difficulties with this page. An error has been logged, and the problem will be fixed as soon as possible. Sorry! Loading context: Testing at /var/www/webware/Webware/WebKit/Testing Loading context: Examples at /var/www/webware/Webware/WebKit/Examples Loading context: Admin at /var/www/webware/Webware/WebKit/Admin Loading context: Docs at /var/www/webware/Webware/WebKit/Docs Loading context: shipit at /home/lvanhelden/projects/shipeze/shipit/webware/Contexts/shipit Loading context: MyContext at /home/lvanhelden/projects/shipeze/shipit/webware/MyContext Current directory: /home/lvanhelden/projects/shipeze/shipit/webware Session Sweeper started Plug-ins list: /var/www/webware/Webware/COMKit, /var/www/webware/Webware/MiddleKit, /var/www/webware/Webware/MiscUtils, /var/www/webware/Webware/PSP, /var/www/webware/Webware/TaskKit, /var/www/webware/Webware/UserKit, /var/www/webware/Webware/WebUtils, /var/www/webware/Webware/FormKit Loading plug-in: COMKit at /var/www/webware/Webware/COMKit Plug-in /var/www/webware/Webware/COMKit cannot be loaded because: Required op sys is ['nt'], but actual op sys is posix. Loading plug-in: MiddleKit at /var/www/webware/Webware/MiddleKit Loading context: MKBrowser at /var/www/webware/Webware/MiddleKit/WebBrowser Loading plug-in: MiscUtils at /var/www/webware/Webware/MiscUtils Loading plug-in: PSP at /var/www/webware/Webware/PSP Loading context: PSPExamples at /var/www/webware/Webware/PSP/Examples Loading plug-in: TaskKit at /var/www/webware/Webware/TaskKit Loading plug-in: UserKit at /var/www/webware/Webware/UserKit Loading plug-in: WebUtils at /var/www/webware/Webware/WebUtils Loading plug-in: FormKit at /var/www/webware/Webware/FormKit Loading context: FormKitExamples at /var/www/webware/Webware/FormKit/Examples Listening on ('', 80086) Creating 10 threads.......... Ready 1 2002-06-30 14:02:30 /cgi-bin/louis.cgi/shipit/LeadList awake called in DatabasePage awake called in DatabasePage SQL> SELECT contact_first_name, to_addr1, contact_addr2, contact_addr1, to_addr2, modified_datetime, to_first_name, from_addr1, created_datetime, contact_last_name, storage, phone_work, moving_date, to_city, source, from_addr2, from_city, email, status, fax, contact_state, to_zip, num_rooms, to_last_name, from_zip, packing, phone_home, total_weight, lead_id, from_state, to_state, contact_city, notes, contact_zip, from_first_name, raw_lead, phone_cell, db_user, time_to_call, from_last_name, cubic_feet, app_user, source_ref FROM leads ./AppServer: line 3: 21840 Aborted /usr/bin/env python2 Launch.py ThreadedAppServer $* ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.com/sf _______________________________________________ Webware-discuss mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/webware-discuss