Below is my directory structure for my webware application.

+ webware_dir
|- 404Text.txt
|- AppServer
|- WebKit.cgi
|- address.txt
|- appserverpid.txt
|-+ Cache/
|-+ Configs/
|-+ ErrorMsgs/
|-+ Logs/
|-+ Sessions/
|-+ lib/
|  |-
|  |-
|  |-
|-+ MyContext/
|  |-
|  |-+ views/
|  |  |- main.psp
|  |  |- quickSearch.psp
|  |  |-

The files in the 'views' folder are not accessed directly. The servlet decides which view should be shown and forwards [self.forward('views/quickSearch.psp')] the transaction object to the view(main.psp or quickSearch.psp). What I don't like about this is that the files under the views folder could be accessed directly. If a user typed http://site.domain/servlet/views/quickSearch.psp , s/he would be accessing the view directly, which I don't want. Where can I put my views so that they can't be accessed directly? Should I do this in apache, making the views/ directory inaccessible? They need to be in a directory where I can update the psp and then refresh the page in a browser and see the results without having to restart the app server, which brings me to another subject.

The files in the lib/ directory are used by my servlets. When I make a change to a file in the lib directory, or any imported module for that matter, I have to restart the appserver to see the changes. Is there a way around this (besides oneshot)?

Also, any comments on my directory structure are welcome. I'm trying to separate core logic and view logic, leaving my psp's editable by someone who is python clueless and making my corelogic usable by other front-ends (possibly a webservice or widget app).


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