Hancock, David (DHANCOCK) hat gesagt: // Hancock, David (DHANCOCK) wrote:

> I won't profess to understanding exactly how this works, but one of our
> developers did exactly what you're trying to do. We wanted to save and email
> the full HTML "red-bar" traceback for oncall engineers, but we only wanted
> users to see a short message with an identifying number so we could
> correlate it on the system when they called in.
> The errorPageFilename uses a number returned by createRandomCode as part of
> the filename. The date from createTimeStamp is also used for the filename,
> so an error in servlet SomeFunc makes the file:
>       Error-SomeFunc.py-01-Nov-03_15:09Z--11081.html
> It uses getPublicHTML to construct the contents of that file.
> The getPrivateHTML method is probably the one you're most interested in. It
> constructs a much smaller, kinder, gentler page for the user to see (with
> words like "We've encountered an error processing your request. If you need
> immediate assistance call 1-800-BITEME. Please reference code: 12345 when
> you call.  We're sorry for the inconvenience."

Late answer here, but I finally got around to figure all this out. As
was recommended by you and others, I first looked into customizing
"privateErrorPage" but somehow it felt wrong, that I and Webware were
sending out something called "private" to the public.  Then after a
bit more digging I found out, that this depends on the setting in

If 'ShowDebugInfoOnErrors' is True, then the html generated by
privateErrorPage is sent to the user. If it is False, then the
"publicErrorPage" is sent. So I finally customized the public part and
kept my private parts for myself, so to say. Basically now my custom
exceptions look like this:

### __init__.py

from WebKit.ExceptionHandler import ExceptionHandler as _ExceptionHandler

class ExceptionHandler(_ExceptionHandler):
        def publicErrorPage(self):
                html = open("errorPage.html").read() 
                return html

def contextInitialize(app, ctxPath):
    app._exceptionHandlerClass = ExceptionHandler

### end __init__

And  this is in Application.Config: 
'ShowDebugInfoOnErrors':  0,
'SaveErrorMessages':      1,
'EmailErrors':            1, 

Thanks again for your pointers. 

 Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__

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