I hope I got the right list for this (please point it out if I dont)

I've just ported a cms system (or rather am half way thru it) from php to
spyce , a python server page type system. After finding spyce to be a
little too slow and flakey, I've taken the plunge and moved the code
across to webware servlets. So far all good.

For the sake of processing form inputs (stories/comments) are
processed inline with the rest of the code as such;-

class newswire(Page):
    def writeContent(self):
        requests = self.request().fields()
        if (requests.has_key('page')): #bit hacky
                #put better stuff here later!
<etc etc etc etc>

so the requests forms a dictionary of fields to work on.

Now part of the system takes file uploads. What I need to work out is , is
there a simple way (even a pointer to some *simple* example code) to do
this. It just doesnt seem documented :( )

I get the whole filerarara:FieldStorage('userfile','filename','assorted
cruft') returned.

I just dont know how to get to whats inside those wee lil' brackets.

Any suggestions.

http://a2.perthimc.asn.au/a2/index is the prototype , which btw is still
pretty formative and busted.

Actually. Any suggestions on how to get the /a2/ url pointing to /a2/index

Shayne O'Neill
I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."
 ----George W. Bush

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