Hey, thanks everyone for coming to my rescue on this.  Good information.  
I think I've isolated whats going on a bit further.  In order to protect
our 'posts' from user triggered refreshes, we store the results in
session, use a sendRedirect to dispatch to a get, load the results out of
store and paint  the page (Cheetah templates noise in there too).  I found
that after doing this 'dispatching' I brought the server up and down we
see this error.

I was engineering this first pass as dispatching and was lazily leaving
the results in session until I got another post at which time I'd clean
out the session and reload it with the new results.  Any time I bounced
the server I saw this error until I added code that on successful results
being dispatched and painted, I actually pull the results out of session

Now I only get this error if you start a post, and an error is dispatched.
 Because I need to reload the form into the page that the post was
submitted to, I can't clean it out of session (protecting against the user
refresh).  So if I stop and bounce the server at this point I get the
error and have to clean out the cookies manually.

My suspicion is that because I'm shoving actual python instance objects
into the session (one that abstracts the form data, and another that
contains read only data needed to present the form) the DYNAMIC mode is
deciding somehow to shove those things into file storage rather than keep
them in memory.  Then when I restart the server, the user's cookie still
refers to the SID that points to that file, which no longer exists because
of the server bounce.  I haven't tried to debug any of this, so its
possible that I'm completely full of it, but its the theory I'm using
right now.

I think that leaves my options as: find a light-weight translation for the
results I need to store in the session and hope webware doesn't feel
compelled to store it to file.  Or I can switch to using only memory based
session management and hope that it doesn't cause server slowdown if I
have heavy objects in session.  And finally I can simply only store a
session id of my own in the session, and rely on my app database to manage
my session objects myself.

I'm going to look into option 2 first and at the same time see what
version of the source I've got compared to whats in cvs right now.

thanks a ton everyone for the great ideas.  I appreciate it hugely...


> Thanks, Matt--that's useful. We never (purposely) put anything but
> strings
> into the session store, so that skews our results in the "good"
> direction.
> Cheers!
> --
> David Hancock
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Feifarek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wed 10/20/2004 6:12 PM
> To: Hancock, David (DHANCOCK)
> Subject: Re: [Webware-discuss] session strangeness
> Thanks for that.
> I guess that it's not "way" :-)
> But it does depend on what gets pickled; if it stays in memory, there's
> no pickling. I've noticed for example that pickling new style classes
> (with the getstate/setstate stuff) is pretty slow. Typical session stuff
> like strings and ints should be no problem.
> Hancock, David (DHANCOCK) wrote:
>>With other factors held constant, File vs. Dynamic resulted in a 16%
>>decrease in the benchmark's performance (one of the Webware example
>>pages, 20,000 requests, 10 concurrently.  That 16% may be what Matt had
>>in mind as "way slower" but I thought it might help to put a number on

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