> The problem is probably with Webware/PSP/Tests/CompileTest.py and
> PSPUtilsTest.py.  On my test checkout, these files don't get updated.
> I am guessing it's another SourceForge CVS problem.  Can you check
> these things:
>         * Did CVS check those two files out on your machine?
Yes the CompileTest.py are checkouted.
But it seems strang to me. when edit with vi 

"""^M   Automated tests for PSP Kit^M   ^M 
Copyright by Winston Wolff, 2004 http://www.stratolab.com^M ^M 
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and it

it has no newline character. ^^;

so I change ^M char to CRLF and run.CompileTest.py says 

$ python PSP/Tests/CompileTest.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "PSP/Tests/CompileTest.py", line 26, in ?
    from PSP import Context, PSPCompiler
ImportError: No module named PSP

>         * Comment out those two files in AllTests.py and run again.  This will
> at least run the other tests.  Let me know what happens.
It' make an error like below
testWordWrap (MiscUtils.Testing.TestFuncs.TestFuncs) ... ok
testNormalizeIndentation (PSP.Tests.PSPUtilsTest.PSPUtilsTest) ... ok
testSplitLines (PSP.Tests.PSPUtilsTest.PSPUtilsTest) ... ok

FAIL: testLocalIP (MiscUtils.Testing.TestFuncs.TestFuncs)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/home/whitekid/Webware/MiscUtils/Testing/TestFuncs.py",
line 58, in testLocalIP
    assert localIP(remote=None, useCache=None)==ip

Ran 44 tests in 1.730s

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