Dear Webware users,

I've got a non webware, but related question to ask the group.  What
Object Relational Model software is being used out there.  I've
recently come the conclusion that we will need to move out database
layer to some type of ORM system, especially since we are in the
process of moving from one database system to a different one, and I
had I used an ORM in the first place it would have been easy, now we
will have to redesign much of the website.  I've some looking and there
are really quite a few out there the ones that I've seen are:

middlekit (webware)
ORM (Object Relational Membrane)

all of these on the surface seem to provide essentially the same thing,
they just all do it differently.  I really think that this is a pretty
important decision to make similar to picking a web-application back
end, once made you end up getting stuck with it for better or worse.   
So I am trolling to see what people are out their are using and what the
collective experience is.  Thanks for any and all help


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