Christoph Zwerschke wrote on 03/31/2006 11:09 PM:

bob smith wrote:

I had the same error with OSX 10.3 and Apache 2.2.0. The fix was to add the fourth parameter required by deleting lines 214 & 216:

   if ((rv = apr_socket_create(&aprsock, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,

I'd like to know why APR_MAJOR_VERSION was not set. Actually it should be set in apr_version.h which is included by mod_webkit.c.

APR_MAJOR VERSION is indeed set in apr_version.h, but that is not included by the version of mod_webkit2/mod_webkit.c which comes with Webware 0.9. At least, not in the version of Webware 0.9 in the FreeBSD ports tree.

But simply adding this at about line 18 does the trick (_without_ deleting lines 214 and 216):

#include "apr_version.h"

This is a very timely thread - only yesterday I encountered this problem trying to upgrade to apache 2.2, and now mod_webkit2 is working very nicely without me even having to ask the question!

Many thanks - Ben

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