My understanding of the Privacy Rule’s requirements re: the NPP are as follows. 

  • Each patient must be provided a copy of the “entire” NPP upon their first contact after 4/13/2003
  • We must post our NPP on line if we have a web-page
  • We must attempt to obtain written acknowledgment  that the patient (or his/her representative) has received a copy of the NPP
  • We can layer our NPP (provide a one page bulleted summary as part of the NPP) but  the patient must receive the entire NPP
  • The NPP must use simple language and be comprehensible to the patient or the patient’s representative
  • The entire NPP must be prominently posted


Are any of you aware of any national movement etc. toward a change in the Privacy Rule that would allow the distribution of a one pager NPP summary in lieu of the entire NPP?   If so, in your opinion is there a reasonable possibility this could happen prior to 4/24/03? 


Donald L. Ribelin

HIPAA Project Manager

Firsthealth of the Carolinas

(910) 215-2668




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