Our facility uses a paging system that gateways email to alphanumeric pagers. Currently, at virtually any PC in the hospital, it is possible to sit down and send an email to any of our physicians, department heads/supervisors, IT staff, etc, with pretty much whatever information the sender thinks is necessary.

The email hits our Exchange server than goes out onto the Internet, to the server which gateways the message to the pager.

And, it's unencrypted. Of course. To date, our paging service provider has been unresponsive to the idea of receiving encrypted email from us, decrptying it and then gatewaying it on to the pager.

How are other people dealing with this? Is there someone providing an ecryption service that handles this sort of thing? Or have you made it policy that the only thing that is paged is the number the pagee need to respond to?



Beth Cole
Information Services Specialist
Newman Regional Health
Emporia, Kansas
Voice: (620) 343-6800, x1131
Fax: (620) 340-6133

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