Weekly Niue News
>      August 20, 2004
>      Bold Suggestions: The Niue Government has been presented
>      with nine options of bold suggestions for the redevelopment
>      of Aliluki, the area of Alofi south flattened during
>      January's hurricane force winds and mountainous seas that
>      swept up and over the 30 metre high coastal cliffs killing
>      a young mother and eventually her baby.With advice from a
>      group of town planners based at the Manuaku City Council in
>      South Auckland diverse alternative plans for construction
>      of a new Niue including the re-location of Alofi south and
>      Alofi north have been tabled. In a package which explores
>      the pros and cons of each option are suggestions for
>      landscaping Aliluki and turning it into a park with walks
>      and bicycle tracks, constructing a nine-hole golf course
>      between the road and the cliff and rebuilding the one time
>      government settlement, affectionately known as the Golden
>      Mile, on the eastern landward side of the main road.In a
>      far reaching development option there have been suggestions
>      of a master plan based around relocating government
>      facilities to both Paliati and Fonuakula or combining
>      residential and government activities on the upper terrace
>      at Fonuakula safe from future carnage caused by the
>      ocean.The Paliati/Fonuakula options for the main village
>      effectively start in train discussions on establishing a
>      new township with clusters of properties linking commercial
>      and private properties with government facilities. The
>      principle behind the re-location is to preserve the
>      identities of Alofi North and Alofi South and move
>      residents and businesses out of the danger zone where
>      future cyclones could repeat the havoc caused by Heta. The
>      report outlines the concept of a village at Paliati using
>      the Niue High School as a focal point and establishing a
>      new Fale Fono incorporating shared government facilities
>      such as the judicary, legislative and executive; a museum/
>      cultural centre, a library, a community hall, a village
>      green, sports fields, churches, shops and other commercial
>      operations.The report said it would be an opportunity to
>      introduce elements of the Niuean culture into new buildings
>      and community facilities. It would be necessary to have new
>      roads to link airport activities, a proposed residential
>      development and the planned industrial park, said the
>      report. It would be relatively cheap because the
>      infrastructure - power, water and telephone cables -are
>      already in place. It has been announced that the new 12 bed
>      cottage hospital will be constructed at Kaimiti within easy
>      distance of the Paliati / Fonuakula option for
>      development.The importance of a master plan for
>      re-development appeals to the advisory group, it stated
>      that donor aid would be more sympathetic to assisting with
>      a master plan that includes the development of zones around
>      the island and a basic set of rules governing what
>      activities should happen in certain locations. Highlighted
>      in the report is the need for access to land for
>      development. The advisory group recommended that any
>      decisions on village re-location should be determined
>      following the completion of a SOPAC report on the
>      restrictions of rebuilding in danger zones which could face
>      destruction in future cyclones.
>      Dismissal Inevitable?: The future political career of
>      former Premier Sani Lakatani is in the spotlight. The
>      Speaker of the House Atapana Siakimotu said in response to
>      a question from MP Terry Coe about the absentee assemblyman
>      that he will be writing to Mr Lakatani to advise him of his
>      status in the Assembly. The rules for MP's attendances are
>      outlined in the Standing Orders. Mr Lakatani has not
>      attended an Assembly meeting in 19 months and is resident
>      in New Zealand. Initially leave of absence on full pay was
>      granted to Mr Lakatani to care for his sick wife who is in
>      Auckland. But the Speaker said the former Premier had not
>      communicated with his office for a long time. It is
>      unlikely the government will call a by-election if the
>      member is dismissed from the Assembly because of the costs
>      involved. The 10th general election is scheduled for March
>      2005. Mr Lakatani a former Minister of Finance was founder
>      of the island's first organised political group, the Niue
>      Peoples Party, and is one of six common roll members.
>      * If serving uga was banned on Niue would it effect the
>      tourist industry? In Vanuatu, hotel operators say an
>      imposed ban on the killing of coconut crabs will have
>      little effect on the visitor industry. "The demand for
>      coconut crabs to Hotel Santo is not that high; therefore it
>      should not affect the tourism," said Hotel Santo owner Mary
>      Jane.Jane confirmed that it has been almost a year since it
>      stopped serving coconut crabs and it has not been a major
>      issue to tourists or customers to the hotel as most are
>      very understanding.She further supported the ban saying it
>      is a good thing that coconut crabs are being protected from
>      extinction.She stressed that it is a good thing for the
>      environment as well as the community at large.Bokissa
>      Island Resort, which is also a main tourist destination in
>      Santo, has thrown out the speculation that the ban will
>      affect the Tourism Industry.According to Bokissa Island
>      Resort Manager, Jane Court, the resort saw the importance
>      of coconut crabs and has been looking after them before the
>      ban was enforced.
>      * Repairs to the damaged steel derrick on Sir Robert's
>      Wharf at Alofi is estimated to cost $NZ40,000. Part of the
>      costs will be met by the Cyclone Heta fund while a donation
>      from Germany will meet the balance.The derrick is used to
>      launch local fishermens aluminium boats.
>      * Tourism is facing a long haul back into the marketplace
>      with a lot of captial required to repair seatracks and
>      scenic sites. Assistance is being provided for Niue Dive
>      and Namukulu Motels to get back into business with new
>      premises. Government officials say there are plans to
>      support the construction of 10 new units on the island. The
>      industry lost 32 rooms when the privately leased Hotel Niue
>      was destroyed during Cyclone Heta.
>      * Considering a holiday on Niue or visiting friends and
>      relatives? Current temperature on island is 26C with lowest
>      at 18C sunrise is at 06.30 with sunset 1815. Whales
>      spouting several metres offshore and there's fresh bread in
>      the shops and organic veges at the market.
>      * Its often touch and go with LPG supplies on Niue which
>      are dependent on shipping schedules. But the island's not
>      alone with that problem. Cook Islands residents have been
>      told to go easy on the cooking gas, with the tanker
>      bringing in fuel not scheduled to arrive in Rarotonga until
>      this week.Tamatoa Tinirau of Origin Energy, the country's
>      distributor, says the boat was originally expected last
>      Thursday, but will now arrive late from Tahiti. Tinirau
>      adds he is unsure why the 'Hervey' has been delayed.
>      Because of the delay, the refilling of cooking gas bottles
>      at Avatiu wharf is presently being rationed. Upon returning
>      empty bottles, customers have been restricted to up to $20
>      (US$13) worth of gas.
>      *Discussion are underway to bring a top team of biologists
>      and enviromental regional specialists to make a survey of
>      birds and bats on the island. This follows a call for help
>      from Niue government officials at a recent enviroment
>      meeting in Fiji when cyclone damage and its effects on
>      flora and fauna was raised.
>      *Meanwhile several veterinary surgeons are planning to
>      visit Niue to perform de-sexing operations on cats and
>      dogs.
>      * A committee reviewing the future of the University of the
>      South Pacific has been asked to give small island countries
>      as Niue and the Cook Islands fair recognition and
>      consideration.Professor Ron Crocombe told visiting
>      committee members that it seemed theUSP was not really a
>      regional university since only a few countries were
>      benefiting.He urged visiting committee members, Samoa's
>      education minster, Fiame Naomi Mataafa and USP registrar
>      Walter Fraser at a meeting last week, to take into account
>      and not ignore concerns of smaller island states.The review
>      team had visited Niue before going to the Cook Islands.
>      *The Auckland based company Cedar Homes plans to start
>      constructing new homes on Niue for those who have opted to
>      rent to buy.The former residents in government-owned
>      Aliluki flats are paying up to $120,000 for a new home -
>      seven of them are being built at Huihui on government land.
>      Match Date: Niue's international rugby XV plays the Cook
>      Islands in Rarotonga August 28.Coach Ricky Tagelagi said he
>      has been to Niue to discuss the team's selection and it
>      seems about 13 locals will be joined by several New Zealand
>      based senior Niuean rugby players in their bid to win the
>      first of the eastern zone IRB Oceania tests. The players
>      from Niue will travel to New Zealand next week for practice
>      runs in Auckland before heading off to Rarotonga.
>      Chasing Mayoralty: A former manager of the Niue Development
>      Board's food factory at Fonuakula Dick Hubbard (57) is
>      running for Mayor of Auckland City. The Auckland based
>      cereal king wants to bring to the mayoralty the strong
>      sense of values and culture on which he had built his
>      multimillion-dollar cereal company.The food technologist,
>      who founded the Business for Social Responsibility group to
>      promote ethical practices, worked on Niue in the 1970's and
>      has holidayed on the island several times in the past few
>      years.He is among the inner circle of Prime Minister Helen
>      Clark's business confidantes and has given $1 million to
>      Outward Bound over the past 10 years.
>      The Latest: In a nutshell catch the independent Niue News.
>      Formatted to be easily read by people on the go.All the
>      news you need to know to keep you in touch with the new
>      Niue. Enjoy.

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