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>    [date.gif]  Thursday, 09 September 2004
>    Niue Weekly News
>    Niue Weekly News
>    Written by Web Master
>    Thursday, 12 June 2003
>    I
>    TV Records Restoration: Progress in the reconstruction of Niue
>    following the aftermath of January's Cyclone Heta was revealed
>    in a three-part news feature by TV One News. But Niue
>    residents won't see the news bulletins because of problems
>    with the reception of satellite signals and the cost of
>    purchasing the bulletins now marketed by Fiji TV. "But those
>    on the island with videos will see it after the air mail
>    arrives this week... our families in Auckland have recorded
>    the news for us," said a local resident yesterday. Hospital
>    facilities were featured.. a doctor working at the temporary
>    hospital in the Niue youth Centre at Fonuakula said a large
>    number of people were still suffering from chronic stress
>    caused by the cyclone and many are being sent to New Zealand
>    for treatment because of inadequate medical facilities.
>    Currently, hospital staff is only able to treat common
>    ailments and stabilize people needing specialist attention.
>    Patient referrals have already cost the government $100,000 in
>    airfares alone. [The Niue government has asked New Zealand to
>    provide emergency benefits to referral patients as soon as
>    they arrive in Auckland.]
>    call to help in the clean-up, only a couple have returned to
>    live. And that's left some islanders questioning Niue's future
>    with the population possibly as low as 1,500 people.
>    struck but locals reckon more than 100 have left - one woman
>    told One News 12 families in her village packed their bags in
>    the weeks following the cyclone.
>    Said Niue's High Commissioner in Wellington Hima Takelesi:."If
>    the population dropped to 500 people...my own personal view is
>    that it would be unrealistic to have the same kinds of
>    infrastructure, government and others for that amount of
>    people," Premier Young Vivian has been to New Zealand asking
>    his people to return, rebuild and re-evaluate their ties with
>    the country. Vivian is hopeful that in time they will come
>    back.
>    The Niue Foou fight-back has started. The Auckland based Reef
>    Group - part of the family-owned Reef Shipping Company has
>    taken a major gamble by investing millions of dollars in a
>    fish processing factory, a 125 hectare nonu orchard and a
>    vanilla processing scheme.[ It's the largest capital
>    investment ever - the lure it is reported was a long term tax
>    free holiday. Reef projects are reported to provide jobs for
>    90 people but with 99% of the work-force employed in the
>    public service Reef could be faced with having to hire
>    overseas staff. ] There are still some fisheries management
>    issues to resolve. Brendon Pasisi the fisheries officer said
>    that the joint venture projects may turn out to be
>    economically good for the island but it will change the
>    lifestyle of residents. He wants assurances that local
>    and buildings and wiped out any hope of a busy tourism season.
>    The privately leased 32 room Hotel Niue was completely
>    destroyed. Without it the amount of accommodation on the
>    island is halved, reported TV One News. But even now in what
>    should be the busiest time of year on island, [ the tropical
>    weather is a relief for chilly New Zealanders, the New Zealand
>    dollar is the national currency and humpback whales are
>    cruising the coasts] visitor numbers are low. The island is
>    trying to maintain its reputation as a diving spot, but after
>    the hurricane the underwater world seemed as damaged as the
>    land. However, Dive Niue co- owner Australian Ian Gray reckons
>    he's found new dive spots that have not been damaged by the
>    cyclone.
>    Artifacts Returned: The Samoa cabinet has approved a decision
>    to return Niuean artifacts currently on display in the Samoa
>    Museum. The two artifacts, a bowl and a walking stick, were
>    given to Samoa by the Niue delegation at the Opening Ceremony
>    of the Pacific Festival of Arts in Apia in 1996. Earlier on
>    this year, Niue's museum and all its artifacts were completely
>    destroyed by Cyclone Heta. Its hoped that the gesture will
>    assist in Niue's efforts to re-establish its museum, reports
>    Radio New Zealand International.
>    That Hurt: The Niue international test XV were thrashed by the
>    Cook Islands 55-5 in an IRB Oceania eastern division match at
>    Raemaru Park Arorangi last weekend. The Cooks has a new coach
>    George Metuarau, who will be in charge of the team until the
>    World Cup qualifiers next year. Niue coach Ricky Tagelagi was
>    predicting a closer result but was keen to give Niue based
>    players a chance to play top level rugby. For the Cooks it was
>    an important this game, summing up the talent for the world
>    cup qualifiers next year.
>    Users Society- Niue has resulted in the formation of a group
>    to promote Internet safety in Port Vila. A policy for Internet
>    use in schools is to be formulated. The Australian firm
>    ContentKeeper presented a filtering system to the education
>    department in Port Vila and it has been installed in the
>    schools network to block pornography.
>    Pacific's tuna stocks following the recent meeting of the 17th
>    Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish in the Marshall
>    Islands. The manager of the Oceanic Fisheries Programme John
>    Hampton told the conference that bigeye and yellowfin tuna are
>    threatened by over-fishing. A report from Hampton said that
>    bigeye, which comprise six percent of the total Pacific tuna
>    catch, are being over-fished "and the current level of
>    exploitation appears not to be sustainable in the long term."
>    Niue enters into the fishing industry next month with the
>    opening of the Niue Fish Processing factory.
>    their country's aid money. A independent poll has found almost
>    three quarters of New Zealanders want to see the Pacific get
>    the bulk of aid money up from half five years ago. The survey
>    was carried out for the Council for International Development
>    on behalf of the government funding agency, NZAID, and 64 non
>    government aid organizations.
>    first official joint New Zealand and Australian aid program to
>    the Islands. It could be a forerunner to future aid packages
>    to Niue, once that island's clean up after Cyclone Heta is
>    completed. In it, New Zealand has promised to give the Cook
>    Islands $US 4 million and Australia $US1 million in programmed
>    aid every year. The money will go to improve the Cook Islands
>    management of aid programmes with the potential to reduce
>    administrative processes. NZAID will manage the day to day
>    operations of the combined project and the three governments
>    will meet regularly to discuss strategic directions.
>    It's Yours: Each week keep in touch on line with the Niue news
>    that matters. Independent sources bring you local news and
>    regional news that will have an impact on Niue. Niue News is
>    the best read on line informative site for the smallest state
>    in the world. It's free and its yours.
>    [bewsline.gif]
>    Last Updated ( Thursday, 09 September 2004 )
>                                Polls
>                 What should Niue do for it's future?
>    (_) Re-integrate with New Zealand.
>    (_) Continue as is (providing somebody is willing to pay for
>    it).
>    (_) Break off from New Zealand and become a "Real Country".
>    (_) Let the politicians keep themselves in a job with status
>    quo.
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