Weekly Niue News
[2004-09-11: list updated for new site]
>                       We have 7 guests online
>     New Zealand's economic developent minister Jim Anderton and
>    associate foreign affairs Minister Marian Hobbs - during a two
>        day stop over on Niue - have been pitching a three way
>    partnership to Niue in a bid to "stabilize" the troubled tiny
>      island. The deal involving co-operative efforts by the NZ
>    government, the Niue Government and the Niue private sector is
>     believed to be the basis of a memorandum of understanding to
>    be signed by Premier Young Vivian and NZ PM Helen Clark at the
>                          end of next month.
>    Mr Anderton told the business sector that it was important to
>     give confidence to people thinking about moving back to the
>     island and that the private sector in a partnership with the
>    government could provide that. He said his government would be
>     happy to provide assistance to economic development on Niue
>    similar to that which was offered to regions in New Zealand. "
>       That doesn't mean to say you are becoming a part of New
>    Zealand - you have your own government, we can't do that - but
>    it will be a similar thing in a New Zealand government - Niue
>              government - private sector partnership."
>    Mr Anderston warned:" if you don't try to build an economy you
>             are never going to get people back to Niue."
>    [date.gif]  Monday, 27 September 2004
>    After a day inspecting the $3m Niue joint venture fish factory
>    - ready to open its chillers next month - and the nonu orchard
>    and processing plant, New Zealand associate foreign minister
>    Marian Hobbs and economic development minister Jim Anderton
>    met business representatives Sunday on the site of the
>    proposed industrial park at Fonuakula. Local politicians,
>    policemen and government officials matched the number of
>    private sector representatives.
>    The pair, on a two day stop over on Niue, were told by
>    industrial park project manager Steve Jefferson that all the
>    materials for the kitset portal building were on site but work
>    had been delayed because there were not enough concrete mixing
>    trucks on the island.
>    It's understood New Zealand will be sending several trucks to
>    Niue by the end of the year.
>    The $400,000 park which will be a base for 24 local businesses
>    - most of those victims of Cyclone Heta when they leased
>    buildings at the PWD Amanau depot - has room for expansion,
>    said Mr Jefferson.The businesses will be responsible for
>    fitting-out their allotted spaces.
>    Chamber of Commerce official Sonya Talagi claimed there were
>    now 150 registered private businesses on the island and the
>    park could eventually provide offices for computer services
>    and a business advisory centre.
>    Mr Anderton said New Zealand wanted to "stablize" Niue so in
>    the long term there was economic development which in turn
>    would give people confidence to return home.
>    New Zealand he said was keen to see a major clean up of
>    asbestos, scrap metal and derelict houses and the construction
>    of a new hospital.
>    He answered questions from participants and undertook to
>    investigate the new bank which purchased Westpac. It was also
>    suggested while doing that he look closely at why Westpac
>    pulled out of Niue.
>    Mr Anderton said it was important for people on the island to
>    have a go at developing the place. He used the example of the
>    Northland township of Moerewa in New Zealand that closed down
>    after the freezing works ceased to exist.
>    "There was not one business open in Moerewa and it was so dead
>    the banks wouldn't give anyone a loan to buy a $10,000 house,"
>    he said.
>    But the local people were given help and with sheer
>    determination and support from government for the private
>    sector the place is now booming, he added.
>    Mr Anderton said private investment in the fish factory and
>    nonu plant had demonstrated some people had confidence in the
>    long term development of an economy on the island. The
>    Ministers spent time discussing the contents of a memorandum
>    of understanding which will be signed by New Zealand PM Helen
>    Clark during a flying visit to the island next month and
>    toured the island Sunday afternoon..
>    Last Updated ( Sunday, 26 September 2004 )
>                            2696 Visitors

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