Weekly Niue News
[2004-09-11: list updated for new site]
>                       We have 13 guests online
>    Bridge Building: Niueans living in New Zealand outnumber those
>    on Niue itself by more than 10 to one. And now, a prominent
>    community leader says expatriate Niueans want to have more of
>    a say in what happens on the island.
>    Granby Siakamotu an education specialist is just one New
>    Zealand-based Niuean leader who is flying to the island at the
>    end of this month, accompanying New Zealand Prime Minister
>    Helen Clark.
>    Ms Clark will be on the island to sign a memorandum on a new
>    economic development package. Niue's population has been
>    dropping for several years,and Mr Siakamotu wants the much
>    larger Niuean community in New Zealand to build bridges with
>    the islands government.
>    However it's not the first time such suggestions have been
>    made by Niueans living overseas. The last time was at a
>    bio-diversity conference six years ago when a select group of
>    expatriate Niueans visited the island at government's expense
>    to make an input into the talkfest.
>    "Returning home and participating in the island's economic
>    development is the only realistic way of helping Niue," said
>    one island leader last week.
>    Economy Booster: Two businesses tipped to be the economic
>    salvation of Niue were opened at the weekend. Both are
>    predicted to inject millions of dollars into the tiny island's
>    struggling economy when they are up and running. A
>    multi-million dollar fish factory - a joint venture between
>    Reef Group and the Government of Niue- and a nonu medicinal
>    juice processing plant financed by Reef were at the centre of
>    a gala day celebration. The fish factory at Amanau will
>    process fish caught in Niue waters and will be air freighted
>    and shipped to Fiji and New Zealand markets. The factory has
>    its own generator, ice tower and desalination plant. About 20
>    people will be employed in the venture. If successful the
>    government will be looking at constructing an all weather
>    wharf to speed up the unloading of fish from long liners. The
>    nonu plant Niu-Grow with 50% shareholding by Reef and the
>    Vakaafi -Motufoou family is expected to produce tonnes of the
>    juice each month in season and most of it will be marketed
>    through supermarkets in New Zealand. Reef has leased the
>    former Government farm and alpaca quarantine station at Vaiea
>    where it is planting a nonu orchard. About 40 people are
>    reported to be working on the 130-hectare project.
>    Reef Shipping provides a monthly cargo service to Niue and its
>    owner Philip McNicol has investments in many countries in the
>    South Pacific. He has recently funded an art gallery in
>    Auckland to display works of Pacific artists.
>    [date.gif]  Monday, 18 October 2004
>                            6082 Visitors

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