Weekly Niue News
[2004-09-11: list updated for new site]
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>    Sunday Wharf Work Essential, Says Reef
>    Reef Shipping has criticized Niue government stevedores for
>    refusing to unload cargo vessels at Alofi on Sundays and
>    public holidays. The companys chief executive officer Wayne
>    Harris- Daw has called on the Niue government to try and
>    change local attitudes to working hours. He said freight is
>    sometimes delayed because companies are concerned their ships
>    will be stuck in port as locals do not work on those
>    particular days.
>    Mr Harris-Daws comments come as sea freight from New Zealand
>    has been delayed due to the MV Southern Express losing its
>    rudder on December 6 off Great Barrier Island. Cargo for Niue
>    is being taken to Apia aboard the MV Southern Cross and will
>    be trans-shipped to Alofi on December 26.
>    The shipment was due on December 24 among the cargo are
>    Christmas parcels from friends and relatives in New Zealand
>    and containers of food and frozen goods.
>    Mr Harris-Daw said the company had this year lost at least one
>    round trip by delays caused by stevedores not working on
>    Sundays and public holidays.
>    Stevedores have been in talks with the government recently
>    over pay rates and problems caused by the lack of manpower on
>    the wharf during unloading.
>    Cargo vessels anchor in the roadstead and containers are
>    loaded into barges and unloaded at the wharf by mobile crane.
>    Working on Sundays has long been a contentious issue on Niue.
>    Several years ago flights in and out of the island were
>    re-scheduled because the government refused to roster staff to
>    work on the Sabbath.
>    [date.gif]  Tuesday, 21 December 2004
>                            18001 Visitors

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