Weekly Niue News
[2004-09-11: list updated for new site]
>                       We have 8 guests online
>    Unity and Solidarity.
>    Church leaders in the Pacific are urging their congregations
>    to continue to offering prayers and support for victims of the
>    Indian Ocean Tsunami. The Catholic Church was among the first
>    to launch an appeal for the victims via its large
>    international aid network CARITAS, which has branches
>    throughout the Pacific. CARITAS distributed food parcels to
>    Niue residents after cyclone Heta.
>    During this week traditional takai ( round the island)
>    festivities also take place. Groups decorate buses, cars and
>    motorcycles and make the 60 km round the island trip
>    celebrating the new year. The government plans to hold a
>    public collection for the Asia tsunami victims later this week
>    and the total will be topped up by a contribution from the
>    state. The donations will be handed over to an International
>    Disaster Management meeting to be attended by the Premier
>    Young Vivian in Japan later this month.
>    Meanwhile,most government services will return to normal next
>    week.
>    Tuesday at the Commercial Centre. Many Niuean students
>    studying at the University of the South Pacific in Suva play
>    touch regularly with the City Roosters club.
>    Coming Up
>    In the next issue of Niue News we'll reveal the date of the
>    general election on Niue... and a Pacific pay tv with multi
>    channel access that may be available for Niue viewers. Plus
>    lots more news that matters...
>    [date.gif]  Wednesday, 05 January 2005
>                            20788 Visitors

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