Weekly Niue News
[2004-09-11: list updated for new site]
>                       We have 7 guests online
>    The UN secretary general has urged leaders of small island
>    developing states to find ways to tackle shared problems.
>    Kofi Annan has addressed a summit in Mauritius on small island
>    developing states, with representatives from most Pacific
>    islands including a delegation from Niue there.
>    Mr Annan says representatives will have to deepen partnerships
>    with developed countries, civil society and regional groups.
>    The list of challenges is long. It includes familiar
>    questions, such as risk of natural disasters, isolation from
>    global markets, and high cost of energy and transport. More
>    recently, other issues have come to the fore, such as the
>    impact of climate change, and the potential of information and
>    communication technology, and of course, the spread of
>    HIV/Aids, he told delegates.
>    Ten years ago the newly-formed UN group of small island states
>    met in Barbados to set out specific measures to support their
>    common social and economic development.
>    [date.gif]  Thursday, 13 January 2005
>                            22379 Visitors

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