Weekly Niue News
[2004-09-11: list updated for new site]
>                       We have 5 guests online
>    Communications Restored After Long Break
>    Telephone, fax, e mail and internet services have been
>    restored to Niue this afternoon ( Monday, Niue time) after a
>    weekend communications blackout.
>    The Intelsat satellite that provides telecoms links for most
>    Pacific Islands moved off track Friday afternoon causing
>    communications problems for areas ranging from Antarctica to
>    the Solomon Islands. Some services to Pacific Islands were
>    restored during the weekend.
>    THe blackout caused concern for many island countries in the
>    middle of a cyclone season.
>    Emergency communications through a satellite phone were  made
>    available on Niue by Niue Telecoms.
>    [date.gif]  Tuesday, 18 January 2005
>    Niue residents donated $25,000 to the Asia tsunami fund. The
>    money was presented to an international disaster management
>    conference in Japan this week by Premier Young Vivian.
>    Today New Zealand announced it will donate $50 million to the
>    tsunami battered countries over the next five years. That's
>    $10m more than the contribution to Niue (pop 1300) following
>    Cyclone Heta in 2004 which is also to be spread over five
>    years.
>    Poll: Niue News readers favour Niue National Medical Centre as
>    the name for the new hospital. The poll last week drew little
>    support for the names Heta Memorial Hospital, Kaimiti
>    Hospital, Helen Clark Hospital or the former name of the
>    Tufukia facility - the Lord Liverpool Hospital.
>    Last Updated ( Monday, 17 January 2005 )
>                            23161 Visitors

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