Weekly Niue News
[2004-09-11: list updated for new site]
>                       We have 8 guests online
>    Keeping You In Touch
>    Parliament Sits: Niue's Legislative Assembly meets today for
>    its first meeting of 2005.
>    Back To School: Schools on Niue re-open Monday January 31 for
>    the first term. About 200 pupils will attend the Niue High
>    School and a similar number at the National Primary School.
>    Five  teachers have been recruited this year - three for the
>    high school two for the primary school.
>    Exclusive Government Review: In Friday's edition of the Niue
>    News on-line we'll bring you part one of an exclusive  report
>    on the draft of the Whole of Government Review carried out
>    recently by prominent New Zealand state administrator Don
>    Hunn. This will be the first of a three part series revealing
>    suggestions for reforms at the Niue Public Service Commission
>    and the Legislative Assembly.
>    [date.gif]  Wednesday, 26 January 2005
>    Januarys Cyclone Heta.
>    Ground work started this week on the new $6million hospital at
>    Kaimiti. Builders will start construction next month and are
>    expected to complete the project before the end of the year.
>    New Zealand is funding the facility and will pay for a
>    registered general practitioner to work at the new medical
>    centre. The government is seeking accommodation for
>    construction workers and their families. ( Story below).
>    Late donations to the Niue tsunami victims fund took the total
>    to $28,600. The money was presented to a UNDP representative
>    by Premier Young Vivian prior to an international disaster
>    management conference in Japan he was to attend.
>    Oceania champion junior womens weightlifter Sioe Haioti of
>    Niue has won bronze at the Australian Weightlifting
>    Championships in Sydney. She's been training at the Oceania
>    Weightlifting Institute in Fiji and is due to return to Niue
>    later this month before going back into training in April.
>    According to top coach Paul Cotta Sioe is a medal hope in the
>    next Commonwealth Games in Melbourne.
>    Last Updated ( Wednesday, 26 January 2005 )
>                            24706 Visitors

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