Weekly Niue News
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>    May 11 2005 - News As It Happens - Just For You!
>    Young Vivian Re-Elected Premier With Overwhelming Support 
>    Premier Young Vivian has been re-elected to the top leadership
>    role in Niue's newly elected government. He won
>    unqualified support over an alliance of independents candidate
>    Mrs O'Love Jacobsen by 17 votes to three.
>    Premier Vivian, tipped late last year to retain his position
>    by Niue News, stood on a strong platform of continuing
>    development and economic reforms that will lead to Niue being
>    less reliant on foreign aid.
>    Mr Atapana Siakimotu was re-appointed Speaker of the
>    Legislative Assembly for the next three years and three new
>    MP's were sworn in - Ms Lilivika Muimatagi (Toi), Mr Kupa
>    Magatogia ( Lakepa), Mr Organ Viliko (Alofi South) - along
>    with the 17 others returned to Parliament in the April 30
>    general election.
>    Mr Siakimotu defeated a former Speaker Mr John Funaki 14 votes
>    to 6.
>    Mr Vivian now has to  pick a three-person Cabinet to work with
>    him and there is speculation as to whether or not he'll choose
>    former Ministers Toke Talagi, Bill Vakaafi Motufoou and Fisa
>    Pihigia. Political commentators are predicting that former
>    High Commissioner to Wellington Hima Douglas may replace Toke
>    Talagi who won his common roll seat at a "lucky dip" after
>    tying with businesswoman Maihetoe Hekau.
>    Mr Vivian said after the Assembly vote hes yet to decide the
>    formation of a Cabinet.
>    Mr Vivians not ruling out the return to Cabinet of the former
>    finance minister, Toke Talagi, who became an MP when his name
>    was drawn from a hat. He told Radio New Zealand International
>    News: I have yet to decide. I think I will have a day to think
>    about it, and I will select them on Friday. I have been
>    talking to Toke Talagi about a number of things, but I havent
>    yet decided.
>    [date.gif]  Thursday, 12 May 2005
>    Party Politics Swept Aside By New Assembly
>    The door has slammed shut on party politics on Niue.
>    Overwhelming support for the re-appointment of Young Vivian
>    (69) as Premier has demonstrated the newly elected MPs
>    resistance to any allegiances to a party system that was born
>    with the formation of the Niue Peoples Party in 1996 and the
>    death of it three years ago.
>    The alliance of independents didnt even back Mrs OLove
>    Jacobsen in the leadership stakes she was defeated to the top
>    job recceiving only three votes while Mr Vivian scooped 17.
>    The alliance group of independents was confident it has eight
>    supporters in its camp only days before the 11th Assembly held
>    its first meeting at the Fale Fono.
>    Its understood many of the alliance group, aware they did not
>    have the numbers to overthrow Mr Vivian, decided to back him
>    at the last minute.
>    The challenge to previous Speaker Mr Atapani Siakimotu by a
>    former Speaker Mr John Funaki failed to succeed in a 14 to 6
>    vote off.
>    Mr Vivian is the third Premier to lead the sparsely populated
>    isolated island since the death of the legendary Sir Robert
>    Rex.
>    He is a former school teacher who entered into politics in
>    1969. Mr Vivian was secretary-general of the South Pacific
>    Commission in Noumea 1979-1982. Following the death of Sir
>    Robert Rex, Mr Vivian was appointed Premier from December 1992
>    to February 1993. He lost a leadership bid to Mr Frank Lui of
>    Alofi North.
>    Mr Vivian has served the Ekalesia Niue Church in his home
>    village most of his life and has a long career as a Cabinet
>    Minister in island governments since 1974 when Niue attained
>    self government in free association with New Zealand.
>    Keeping The Island Family Together Prime Mission
>    Niues newly elected Legislative Assembly faces some tough
>    decisions as it begins a 12^th term in the islands history.
>    Keeping the tiny community of 1200 together will be a number
>    one priority. Clearing the 350 derelict homes mostly owned by
>    expatriate Niueans living overseas comes a close second.
>    Economic development to reduce the islands reliance on aid has
>    a chance of success in the nonu and fishing industries, thanks
>    to joint venture deals involving Reef Group and the Government
>    of Niue.
>    Tourism has suffered setbacks after Cyclone Heta and has
>    failed to attract much attention from the government. The
>    infrastructure seems to have collapsed with investors having
>    little or no representation on the abandoned authority and the
>    defunct tourist association.
>    It needs a realistic strategic plan but is now being
>    out-marketed by neighbouring island destinations experiencing
>    visitor booms.
>    A weekly airline service to and from Auckland restricts
>    holidaymakers and attempts to re-launch Niue into the New
>    Zealand and Australian market has met with mixed reaction.
>    Reducing the public sector which employs around 430 and
>    boosting the private sector or ensure sufficient labour for
>    income earning projects presents a challenge as does a number
>    of suggestions made in the first Whole Of Government Report
>    made by renowned New Zealand state administrator Don Hunn.
>    Urgent appointment of a New Zealand police officer as Chief of
>    Police is necessary as out lined in the Hunn Report.
>    Maintenance of capital equipment, roads and government
>    buildings along with plans to turn the island into an
>    eco-state will likely gain good monetary allocations in the
>    July budget.
>    Health now under the wing of the Pacific division of the
>    Counties Manuaku District Health Board in South Auckland and
>    education being monitored by Dunedins College of Education
>    links the island with New Zealand and its resources ensuring a
>    diversity in specialist advice.
>    New Zealands guaranteed aid over the next four years will make
>    the July budget for 2005/2006 [likely to be around $19 million
>    ] gives the Treasury benches a better chance of more accurate
>    monetary forecasting.
>    Premier Young Vivian wants a chance to finish off many of the
>    economic development projects commenced during his last term.
>    If one or two of them help curb the islands reliance on
>    foreign aid he will have achieved what no other Premier has
>    been able to in the past 30 years.
>    Nonu Destined To Be Export Winner
>    Niues latest economic hope nonu juice is destined to become
>    the islands number one export earner...pushing tourism into a
>    back seat. The success of the juice has been demonstrated in
>    Samoa where Nonu juice beat out fresh fish as the countrys top
>    export for the first time in February this year, according to
>    new Central Bank of Samoa figures.
>    Nonu is on the rise in revenue and market outlets, thanks to
>    some hard work by producers. But the uncertainties that plague
>    agricultural exports hover constantly and prevent farmers from
>    plunging into all-out planting. Exported nonu juice surged
>    twofold in earnings, to $632,000, as volume also doubled and
>    prices rose 3%, the Central Bank of Samoa (CBS) said. Nonu
>    fruit also rose strongly in export earnings in February - by
>    $179,000 - to $269,000, thanks to an increase in volume that
>    was nearly threefold, the CBS said.
>    And in latest developments in the health juice industry a new
>    study into the healing powers of Nonu is being carried out in
>    Fiji.study carried out in Fiji.
>    The University of the South Pacific will undertake the
>    scientific research to determine the chemical compounds in
>    nonu or kura plant that is purported to have medicinal
>    benefits.
>    Speaking at the launch of a working paper on "Kura Files" USP
>    researcher Dr Mani Naicker said trials would determine whether
>    Noni is indeed safe for consumption.
>    "The kura files is a qualitative social survey report in which
>    the researchers have embarked on a nationwide questionnaire
>    based survey in which the general public in rural and urban
>    areas were asked about what they know about the kura plant,"
>    he said. "As well, they have been asked about preparations are
>    they aware of from the plant itself and what purpose they have
>    been used for. For example, if they have been using it to cure
>    headaches or to cure arthritis and so on so, it's a recorded
>    evidence from the people who have been using these plants for
>    so long."
>    According to the website Nonipacific.com, Noni is known
>    throughout the South Pacific as the "mother of all healing
>    plants".
>    With the common name Morinda citrifolio, nonu has been used by
>    Pacific islanders for centuries almost as a panacea and has
>    provided both healing and nutrition.
>    Nonipacific said there was evidence that the plant had been
>    use in Polynesia and China as far back as 2000 years ago.
>    Hospital Blow-Out Within Project Funding
>    Additional money for the Niue Hospital construction project is
>    within the overall project funding, said a Ministry of Foreign
>    Affairs official this week. The government of Niue has
>    requested an additional $500,000 for conrete flooring and
>    foundation work which has already been completed.
>    The official said the government of Niue, AC Consulting Ltd,
>    NZAID and the NZ Ministry of Health and have been working
>    through the design changes and costs, and there may be scope
>    to reduce the size of the cost increase.
>    "However, even with the currently estimated increase, the
>    total cost still remains within the overall project budget
>    that NZAID has allowed for this project."
>    Police Chief Soon To Be Named
>    Niues new Chief of Police will take up his position on the
>    island when final funding under the New Zealand/Niue
>    Strengthened Cooperation Programme (SPC) is finalized,
>    according to a Ministry of Foreign Affairs official.
>    Until an agreement is finalised the officer to head the
>    islands police force cannot be named.
>    " A candidate for the position has been chosen and
>    negotiations are underway with the successful officer on his
>    terms and conditions. Funding for the position and continuing
>    support from NZ Police for Niue Police will be funded from the
>    NZ:Niue Strengthened Cooperation Programme (SCP). An
>    arrangement between NZAID and NZ Police is being worked out
>    covering arrangements for this support," the official told
>    Niue News this week.
>    Big Pacific Youth Summit In Samoa
>    Young people from Niue and throughout the Pacific are taking
>    part at Samoa in the first Pacific Youth Summit for the United
>    Nations Millennium Development Goals.
>    Samoa's Acting Prime Minister, Ulu Vaomalu Ulu Kini,
>    officially opened the four-day summit at the Tofamamau
>    Catholic Church Centre near Apia.
>    The summit is one of the biggest and most important gatherings
>    yet of Pacific youth. More than 70 delegates, observers and
>    resource people are taking part.
>    Delegates are from Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue,
>    New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands,
>    Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
>    The summit is funded by the United Nations System in the
>    Pacific and the Government of Samoa. The United Nations
>    agencies involved include the United Nations Development
>    Programme (UNDP), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), and
>    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
>    Organisation (UNESCO).
>    The Millennium Development Goals, often called the MDGs, are a
>    set of goals and targets the world's nations have agreed to
>    try to achieve by 2015.
>    The eight goals were adopted by the United Nations in
>    September 2000. They join nations in the fight against
>    poverty, illiteracy, hunger, lack of education, gender
>    inequality, child and maternal mortality, disease and
>    environmental degradation.
>    Marketing: While former All Black flanker Michael Jones heads
>    the marketing of Niues nonu juice many in the know think that
>    the Wellington Hurricanes back and All Black Maa Nonu should
>    be his assistant.
>    Oops 1: Quote from Toke Talagi on RNZI after winning the lucky
>    dip on Niue: "I think Ive done sufficient and demonstrated
>    sufficient, that should enable me to retain my position in
>    Cabinet, whether as minister of finance or some other
>    portfolio. I certainly would like to retain finance because I
>    believe I have done a number of things in there that has
>    helped with the long-term prospects of this country to become
>    more self-sufficient and stable."
>    Oops 2: Toke Talagi again on RNZI on his lack of an outright
>    votes win in the election: " Clearly there were things that
>    the electorate were not happy about but its often very hard to
>    read from the results of this type of election what people
>    were particularly unhappy about. I believe that we have done a
>    great deal, especially with our relations with New Zealand and
>    also our economy here, so its very difficult to say, at the
>    present moment, why they didnt vote for me in these
>    elections."
>    Oops 3: The stress of lengthy delays in announcing the final
>    results of the Toi village constituency in the Niue general
>    election took its toll at the drawing of a name from the hat.
>    Both candidates tied after provisional recounts. Immediately
>    after the drawing the winning candidate was the subject of
>    physical abuse, according to witnesses.
>    Poll: Pollsters in last week's vote on delays in election day
>    final results reckoned it took too long by officials to
>    release figures. 80% wanted quicker action 20% indicated
>    satisfaction with the announcement of results.
>    The French Social, Economic and Cultural Fund for the Pacific
>    has earmarked $US3.6 million for a total of more than 50
>    projects dedicated to the Pacific region.
>    Oceania Flash
>    reports the Funds steering committee, which met last week in
>    Paris, has endorsed projects in the fields of research,
>    biodiversity, meteorology and climate change, natural disaster
>    prevention, public health, media and culture.
>    One of the funds aim is to promote a better integration of the
>    three French Pacific dependencies into their regional
>    environment and therefore boost, whenever possible, relations,
>    exchanges and cooperation with the Pacific Island States.
>    Several of the approved projects are based on existing
>    facilities either in New Caledonia or in French Polynesia: in
>    climatology, scientists in New Caledonia are to undertake a
>    study in regional climate changes, while in French Polynesia,
>    a study on deforestation is to be carried out in conjunction
>    with authorities in Easter Island (Rapa Nui) and the Chilean
>    government.
>    On environment, another ongoing study is looking into the
>    causes of coral bleaching, a perceived consequence of global
>    warming in the Pacific Ocean.
>    Other ongoing projects benefit from the French funding,
>    particularly the French-Australian initiative to fight against
>    a worrying increase in the number of HIV/AIDS cases in the
>    Pacific, and a French-New Zealand public health project.
>    The roving chairmanship of the Fund is currently held by
>    French Polynesia (2004-2005) 
>    Last Updated ( Thursday, 12 May 2005 )
>    If you live off island does the election result make you want
>                          to return to Niue?
>                      (_) I'm thinking about it
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