Weekly Niue News
[2004-09-11: list updated for new site]
>             We have 6 guests online and 1 member online
>    [date.gif]  Monday, 23 May 2005
>    construction engineers and medics today.
>    The group of 110, many of them territorials  will swell the
>    tiny island's population by 10% in one of the largest
>    humanitarian projects undertaken in the island's history.
>    industrial park, repair seatracks and scenic spots and clear
>    storm felled trees while a group of Army medics will practice
>    tropical medicine.
>    They will be accommodated at the Tuapa Falepipi Hall Alofi
>    Tokelau Hall and under canvas near the Youth Centre at
>    Fonuakula.
>    of the steel portals, walls and roof. Many seatracks and
>    scenic spots were damaged by mountanous seas during the 2004
>    Cyclone Heta and are an integral part of the island's tourist
>    development.
>    The Army exercise is named Operation Tropical Twilight
>    and spokesperson Major Stuart Brown said the project is an
>    annual outing for construction engineers and medics. Projects
>    for the Niue exercise were chosen after New Zealand Army
>    offices visited the island earlier this year.
>    The group is expected to be on Niue for three weeks.
>    Last Updated ( Monday, 23 May 2005 )
>                            50958 Visitors

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