Weekly Niue News
[2004-09-11: list updated for new site]
>                       We have 6 guests online
>    Consultant Offered Top Health Position
>    A consulting specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology at
>    Middlemore Hospital in Auckland NZ has been offered the job as
>    director of health on Niue.
>    Dr Karaponi Okesene-Gafa will, if she accepts the position, be
>    in charge of the new $6m hospital at Kaimiti due to open at
>    the end of the year.
>    Dr Okesene-Gafa is Niuean and was raised in Tuapa village.
>    Meanwhile the acting director is Dr Asu Pulu, head of the
>    department's dental division.
>    [date.gif]  Saturday, 18 June 2005
>                            58041 Visitors

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