"'Cameron D' via weewx-development" <weewx-development@googlegroups.com>

> " ionizing_radiation " would be an obvious and unambiguous choice.

I guess there are two observations, one is counts/s and the other some
estimate of uSv/s.   But given the weewx approach, I think it makes
sense to let the input device attempt to estimate into some standard units.

> I'd be reluctant to rely on the uSv/hour value, unless you know the 
> source.  The Geiger-Muller tube electronics looks like it is just reporting 
> ionisation events per second, with no measure of the energy.  Any 
> "calibration factor" used will be assuming a specific source of radiation, 
> which is unlikely to be appropriate to this situation.

That's fair, but lots of people measure illuminance and estimate solar
irradiance, or ther other way around, and that's structurally simiar.

So there's still the best estimate you have, which is true, for various
values of "not quite right", for everything.

> So long as you keep his in mind I guess you can use whichever unit you 
> prefer - it's the change that would be important.

I think it's good if there are at least standard names so when multiple
people do this, they can share skin code.

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