This worked for me - deb12 in a vagrant vm running as user 'vagrant'.

I followed the docs, just added --no-prompt to the station setup to not 
have it ask questions

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
sudo apt install python3-venv -y
python3 -m venv ~/weewx-venv
source ~/weewx-venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install weewx
source ~/weewx-venv/bin/activate
weectl station create --no-prompt
sudo sh ~/weewx-data/scripts/setup-daemon.systemd
sudo systemctl start weewx
sudo systemctl status weewx

What precise os are you running ?
Are you trying to do it in docker perhaps ?

We'd need to see your exact steps start to finish please.

On Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 7:35:11 AM UTC-8 Paul R Anderson wrote:

Sorry not sure what I'm doing wrong.

panders@cont-weewx-git:~$ sudo sh 

Cannot find utility files at location '/root/weewx-data/util'

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