
Use my updated sync plugin (see 
and configure only the raw section.


On Tuesday, 20 September 2016 08:21:25 UTC-3, Björn Baldus wrote:
> Hi,
> we are searching for a plugin which can send the realtime data from our 
> davis via weewx to a webserver in a data center. we tried an older version 
> of mesowx - but i didnt work (weewx crashed).
> How do we setup the new raw-plugin to send data to the webserver. The 
> Raspberry Pi is connected via 3G to the internet - the v-server is hosted 
> by a big sharehoster. We only want to send the realtime loop packets to the 
> server - and run an instance of mesowx there.
> The data upload to wunderground and awekas runs fine.
> Any suggestions?
> Am Sonntag, 31. Januar 2016 14:24:49 UTC+1 schrieb Luc Heijst:
>> MesoWx is a real-time HTML front-end for visualizing personal weather 
>> station data. 
>> It provides a real-time graph and console display, and dynamic graphs of 
>> your weather station history allowing you to explore the details of any 
>> recorded time period in your data. 
>> See: https://bitbucket.org/lirpa/mesowx
>> The latest MesoWx version (v0.4.0 - 2014-05-10) doesn't work with Weewx 
>> version 3.x
>> So far the author didn't provide an upgrade for weewx, so I upgraded 
>> modules sync.py and raw.py myself.
>> Module sync.py synchronizes local weewx loop and archive data with two 
>> databases on a remote web server.
>> Module raw.py synchronizes local weewx loop data with a local meso/raw 
>> database for use with a local web server.
>> Depending on your choice where to put the meso files (local or remote), 
>> you only need one of the modules above.
>> Attached weewx plugin raw_0.4.1-lh.py which is tested with weewx v3.4.0
>> See attached installation instructions raw_0.4.1-lh.txt 
>> Release notes raw_0.4.1-lh:
>> - upgraded weewx database calls
>> - removed Redis functionality
>> Comments are welcome
>> Luc
>> PS: See for the upgraded sync_lh4 plugin the following thread: 
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/weewx-user/DnaWsMpC9vE

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