Unfortunately, it's repeatable. The data builds up, and then all at once, 
it is fed into weewx, and the program crashes:

Oct  8 21:29:15 raspberrypi kernel: [  110.920747] device eth0 entered 
promiscuous mode
Oct  8 21:29:20 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: empty queue
Oct  8 21:29:30 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: empty queue
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: raw data: 
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: raw 
packet: {'wd.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 157.0, 'id.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '90', 
'wg.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 0.9, 'ch.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '1', 
'pwr.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'av.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'dateTime': 
1475988886, 'ws.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 0.0, 'rid.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 'd0', 
'mac.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0004a369e0d6', 'p.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '1', 
'gw.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'usUnits': 17}
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: mapped 
packet: {'windDir': 157.0, 'windSpeed': 0.0, 'windGust': 0.9, 'usUnits': 
17, 'dateTime': 1475988886}
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: reportengine: Running reports for 
latest time in the database.
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: raw data: 
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: reportengine: Running report 
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: raw 
packet: {'wd.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 157.0, 'id.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '90', 
'wg.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 0.9, 'ch.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '1', 
'pwr.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'av.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'dateTime': 
1475988886, 'ws.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 0.0, 'rid.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 'd0', 
'mac.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0004a369e0d6', 'p.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '1', 
'gw.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'usUnits': 17}
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: mapped 
packet: {'windDir': 157.0, 'windSpeed': 0.0, 'windGust': 0.9, 'usUnits': 
17, 'dateTime': 1475988886}
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: reportengine: Found configuration 
file /etc/weewx/skins/Standard/skin.conf for report StandardReport
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: raw data: 
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: raw 
packet: {'uvh.163.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'ch.163.0004a369e0d6': '1', 
'pwr.163.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'p.163.0004a369e0d6': '1', 
'uv.163.0004a369e0d6': '365', 'dateTime': 1475988886, 
'mac.163.0004a369e0d6': '0004a369e0d6', 'id.163.0004a369e0d6': '8e', 
'rid.163.0004a369e0d6': '63', 'or.163.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'usUnits': 17}
Oct  8 21:54:45 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: mapped 
packet: {'uv': '365', 'usUnits': 17, 'dateTime': 1475988886}
Oct  8 21:54:46 raspberrypi weewx[735]: engine: Main loop exiting. Shutting 
engine down.
Oct  8 21:54:46 raspberrypi weewx[735]: engine: Shutting down StdReport 
Oct  8 21:54:46 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:46 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:46 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:46 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:46 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:47 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:48 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:48 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:48 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:49 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:49 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:49 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 21:54:53 raspberrypi weewx[735]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 14 
files for report StandardReport in 7.30 seconds
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: genimages: Generated 12 images for 
StandardReport in 1.31 seconds
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: reportengine: copied 9 files to 
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: reportengine: Running report FTP
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: reportengine: Found configuration 
file /etc/weewx/skins/Ftp/skin.conf for report FTP
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: reportengine: FTP upload not 
requested. Skipped.
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: reportengine: Running report RSYNC
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: reportengine: Found configuration 
file /etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/skin.conf for report RSYNC
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: reportengine: rsync upload not 
requested. Skipped.
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: engine: StdReport thread has been 
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: restx: Shut down CWOP thread.
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: restx: Shut down Wunderground-PWS 
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: interceptor: MainThread: shutting 
down server thread
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]: engine: Caught unrecoverable 
exception in engine:
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****  unsupported operand 
type(s) for +=: 'float' and 'str'
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****  Traceback (most recent 
call last):
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****    File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 859, in main
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****      engine.run()
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****    File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 185, in run
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****     
 self.dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.NEW_LOOP_PACKET, packet=packet))
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****    File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 218, in dispatchEvent
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****      callback(event)
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****    File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 546, in new_loop_packet
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****     
 self.accumulator.addRecord(event.packet, self.loop_hilo)
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****    File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/accum.py", line 240, in addRecord
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****      func(self, record, 
obs_type, add_hilo)
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****    File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/accum.py", line 310, in add_value
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****     
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****    File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/accum.py", line 87, in addSum
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****      self.sum     += val
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****  TypeError: unsupported 
operand type(s) for +=: 'float' and 'str'
Oct  8 21:54:55 raspberrypi weewx[735]:     ****  Exiting.
Oct  8 22:17:01 raspberrypi rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 17' suspended, 
next retry is Sat Oct  8 22:18:31 2016 [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2007 ]
Oct  8 22:17:01 raspberrypi CRON[1629]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts 
--report /etc/cron.hourly)

I'm running the filter with sed in unbuffered mode right now. We'll see if 
that fixes this...and it already seems to be working:

Oct  8 22:57:23 raspberrypi rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 17' suspended, 
next retry is Sat Oct  8 22:58:53 2016 [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2007 ]
Oct  8 22:57:33 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: empty 
Oct  8 22:57:43 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 22:57:43 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: raw data: 
Oct  8 22:57:43 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: raw 
packet: {'wd.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 90.0, 'id.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '90', 
'wg.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 0.9, 'ch.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '1', 
'pwr.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'av.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'dateTime': 
1475992664, 'ws.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 0.0, 'rid.1d0.0004a369e0d6': 'd0', 
'mac.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0004a369e0d6', 'p.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '1', 
'gw.1d0.0004a369e0d6': '0', 'usUnits': 17}
Oct  8 22:57:43 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: mapped 
packet: {'windDir': 90.0, 'windSpeed': 0.0, 'windGust': 0.9, 'usUnits': 17, 
'dateTime': 1475992664}
Oct  8 22:57:53 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: empty 
Oct  8 22:58:03 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: empty 
Oct  8 22:58:13 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: empty 
Oct  8 22:58:16 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: ServerThread: POST: 
Oct  8 22:58:16 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: raw data: 
Oct  8 22:58:16 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: raw 
packet: {'id..0004a369e0d6': 'c2', 'baro..0004a369e0d6': 1005.0, 
'mac..0004a369e0d6': '0004a369e0d6', 'ptr..0004a369e0d6': '0', 
'pv..0004a369e0d6': '0', 'lost..0004a369e0d6': '0000', 'dateTime': 
1475992696, 'reg..0004a369e0d6': '1009', 'wfor..0004a369e0d6': '0', 
'ac..0004a369e0d6': '0', 'p..0004a369e0d6': '1', 'usUnits': 17, 
'lb..0004a369e0d6': '0'}
Oct  8 22:58:16 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: mapped 
packet: {'barometer': 1005.0, 'usUnits': 17, 'dateTime': 1475992696}
Oct  8 22:58:26 raspberrypi weewx[1905]: interceptor: MainThread: empty 


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