
you have not missed anything - i neglected to put the macosx support in 

please try the attach cmon v0.15rc1

it uses psutil, so you'll have to install that:

easy_install psutil

or use pip or whatever python package management you are using on macos.

i have only tested this on an ancient version of macosx (10.6), so please 
let me know how it works for you.


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# $Id: cmon.py 1573 2016-11-22 16:01:49Z mwall $
# Copyright 2013 Matthew Wall
"""weewx module that records cpu, memory, disk, and network usage.

This file contains both a weewx driver and a weewx service.


Put this file in the bin/user directory.

Service Configuration

Add the following to weewx.conf:

    data_binding = cmon_binding
    max_age = 2592000 # 30 days; None to store indefinitely

        database = cmon_sqlite
        manager = weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager
        table_name = archive
        schema = user.cmon.schema

        root = %(WEEWX_ROOT)s
        database_name = archive/cmon.sdb
        driver = weedb.sqlite

        archive_services = ..., user.cmon.ComputerMonitor

Driver Configuration

Add the following to weewx.conf:

    station_type = ComputerMonitor

    polling_interval = 30
    driver = user.cmon


The default schema is defined in this file.  If you prefer to maintain a schema
different than the default, specify the desired schema in the configuration.
For example, this would be a schema that stores only memory and network data,
and uses eth1 instead of the default eth0:

        database = cmon_sqlite
        manager = weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager
        table_name = archive
            dateTime = INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
            usUnits = INTEGER NOT NULL
            interval = INTEGER NOT NULL
            mem_total = INTEGER
            mem_free = INTEGER
            mem_used = INTEGER
            swap_total = INTEGER
            swap_free = INTEGER
            swap_used = INTEGER
            net_eth1_rbytes = INTEGER
            net_eth1_rpackets = INTEGER
            net_eth1_rerrs = INTEGER
            net_eth1_rdrop = INTEGER
            net_eth1_tbytes = INTEGER
            net_eth1_tpackets = INTEGER
            net_eth1_terrs = INTEGER
            net_eth1_tdrop = INTEGER

Another approach to maintaining a custom schema is to define the schema in the
file user/extensions.py as cmonSchema:

cmonSchema = [
    ('usUnits', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'),
    ('interval', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'),

then load it using this configuration:

        database = cmon_sqlite
        manager = weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager
        table_name = archive
        schema = user.extensions.cmonSchema

# FIXME: make these methods platform-independent instead of linux-specific
# FIXME: deal with MB/GB in memory sizes
# FIXME: save the total counts instead of the deltas
# FIXME: refactor ups and rpi specialties

from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import platform
import re
import syslog
import time
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

import weewx
import weeutil.weeutil
from weewx.drivers import AbstractDevice
from weewx.engine import StdService

DRIVER_NAME = "ComputerMonitor"
DRIVER_VERSION = "0.15rc1"

if weewx.__version__ < "3":
    raise weewx.UnsupportedFeature("weewx 3 is required, found %s" %

schema = [
    ('usUnits', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'),
    ('interval', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'),
    ('mem_total', 'INTEGER'),
    ('mem_free', 'INTEGER'),
    ('mem_used', 'INTEGER'),
    ('swap_total', 'INTEGER'),
    ('swap_free', 'INTEGER'),
    ('swap_used', 'INTEGER'),
    ('cpu_user', 'INTEGER'),
    ('cpu_nice', 'INTEGER'),
    ('cpu_system', 'INTEGER'),
    ('cpu_idle', 'INTEGER'),
    ('cpu_iowait', 'INTEGER'),
    ('cpu_irq', 'INTEGER'),
    ('cpu_softirq', 'INTEGER'),
    ('load1', 'REAL'),
    ('load5', 'REAL'),
    ('load15', 'REAL'),
    ('proc_active', 'INTEGER'),
    ('proc_total', 'INTEGER'),

# measure cpu temperature (not all platforms support this)
    ('cpu_temp', 'REAL'),  # degree C
    ('cpu_temp1', 'REAL'), # degree C
    ('cpu_temp2', 'REAL'), # degree C
    ('cpu_temp3', 'REAL'), # degree C
    ('cpu_temp4', 'REAL'), # degree C

# measure rpi attributes (not all platforms support this)
#    ('core_temp','REAL'), # degree C
#    ('core_volt', 'REAL'),
#    ('core_sdram_c', 'REAL'),
#    ('core_sdram_i', 'REAL'),
#    ('core_sdram_p', 'REAL'),
#    ('arm_mem', 'REAL'),
#    ('gpu_mem', 'REAL'),

# the default interface on most linux systems is eth0
    ('net_eth0_rbytes', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_eth0_rpackets', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_eth0_rerrs', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_eth0_rdrop', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_eth0_tbytes', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_eth0_tpackets', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_eth0_terrs', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_eth0_tdrop', 'INTEGER'),

#    ('net_eth1_rbytes', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_eth1_rpackets', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_eth1_rerrs', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_eth1_rdrop', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_eth1_tbytes', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_eth1_tpackets', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_eth1_terrs', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_eth1_tdrop', 'INTEGER'),

# some systems have a wireless interface as wlan0
    ('net_wlan0_rbytes', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_wlan0_rpackets', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_wlan0_rerrs', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_wlan0_rdrop', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_wlan0_tbytes', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_wlan0_tpackets', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_wlan0_terrs', 'INTEGER'),
    ('net_wlan0_tdrop', 'INTEGER'),

# if the computer is an openvpn server, track the tunnel traffic
#    ('net_tun0_rbytes', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_tun0_rpackets', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_tun0_rerrs', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_tun0_rdrop', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_tun0_tbytes', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_tun0_tpackets', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_tun0_terrs', 'INTEGER'),
#    ('net_tun0_tdrop', 'INTEGER'),

# disk volumes will vary, but root is always present
    ('disk_root_total', 'INTEGER'),
    ('disk_root_free', 'INTEGER'),
    ('disk_root_used', 'INTEGER'),
# separate partition for home is not uncommon
    ('disk_home_total', 'INTEGER'),
    ('disk_home_free', 'INTEGER'),
    ('disk_home_used', 'INTEGER'),

# measure the ups parameters if we can
    ('ups_temp', 'REAL'),    # degree C
    ('ups_load', 'REAL'),    # percent
    ('ups_charge', 'REAL'),  # percent
    ('ups_voltage', 'REAL'), # volt
    ('ups_time', 'REAL'),    # seconds

# this exension will scan for all mounted file system.  these are the
# filesystems we ignore.

def logmsg(level, msg):
    syslog.syslog(level, 'cmon: %s' % msg)

def logdbg(msg):
    logmsg(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, msg)

def loginf(msg):
    logmsg(syslog.LOG_INFO, msg)

def logerr(msg):
    logmsg(syslog.LOG_ERR, msg)

def get_collector(hardware=[], ignored_mounts=IGNORED_MOUNTS):
    # see what we are running on
    s = platform.system()
    if s == 'Linux':
        return LinuxCollector(hardware, ignored_mounts)
    elif s == 'Darwin':
        return MacOSXCollector(hardware, ignored_mounts)
    elif s == 'BSD':
        return BSDCollector(hardware, ignored_mounts)
    raise Exception('unsupported system %s' % s)

class Collector(object):

    _CPU_KEYS = ['user','nice','system','idle','iowait','irq','softirq']

    # bytes received
    # packets received
    # packets dropped
    # fifo buffer errors
    # packet framing errors
    # compressed packets
    # multicast frames
    _NET_KEYS = [

    def __init__(self, hardware):
        self.hardware = hardware

    def get_data(self, now_ts=None):
        if now_ts is None:
            now_ts = int(time.time() + 0.5)
        record = dict()
        record['dateTime'] = now_ts
        record['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        if 'rpi' in self.hardware:
        if 'apcups' in self.hardware:
        return record

    _DIGITS = re.compile('[\d.]+')

    def _get_apcups_info():
        record = dict()
            cmd = '/sbin/apcaccess'
            p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
            o = p.communicate()[0]
            for line in o.split('\n'):
                if line.startswith('ITEMP'):
                    m = Collector._DIGITS.search(line)
                    if m:
                        record['ups_temp'] = float(m.group())
                elif line.startswith('LOADPCT'):
                    m = Collector._DIGITS.search(line)
                    if m:
                        record['ups_load'] = float(m.group())
                elif line.startswith('BCHARGE'):
                    m = Collector._DIGITS.search(line)
                    if m:
                        record['ups_charge'] = float(m.group())
                elif line.startswith('OUTPUTV') or line.startswith('BATTV'):
                    m = Collector._DIGITS.search(line)
                    if m:
                        record['ups_voltage'] = float(m.group())
                elif line.startswith('TIMELEFT'):
                    m = Collector._DIGITS.search(line)
                    if m:
                        record['ups_time'] = float(m.group())
        except (ValueError, IOError, KeyError), e:
            logerr('apcups_info failed: %s' % e)
        return record

    _RPI_VCGENCMD = '/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd'
    _RPI_VOLT = re.compile('([^:]+):\s+volt=([\d.]+)')
    _RPI_MEM = re.compile('([^=]+)=([\d]+)')

    def _get_rpi_info():
        # get raspberry pi measurements
        record = dict()
            cmd = '%s measure_temp' % Collector._RPI_VCGENCMD
            p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
            o = p.communicate()[0]
            record['core_temp'] = float(o.replace("'C\n", '').partition('=')[2])
            cmd = '%s measure_volts' % Collector._RPI_VCGENCMD
            p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
            o = p.communicate()[0]
            for line in o.split('\n'):
                m = Collector._RPI_VOLT.search(line)
                if m:
                    record[m.group(1) + '_volt'] = float(m.group(2))
            cmd = '%s measure_volts' % Collector._RPI_VCGENCMD
            p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
            o = p.communicate()[0]
            for line in o.split('\n'):
                m = Collector._RPI_MEM.search(line)
                if m:
                    record[m.group(1) + '_mem'] = float(m.group(2))
        except (ValueError, IOError, KeyError), e:
            logerr('rpi_info failed: %s' % e)
        return record

# this should work on any linux running kernel 2.2 or later
class LinuxCollector(Collector):
    def __init__(self, hardware, ignored_mounts):
        super(LinuxCollector, self).__init__(hardware)

        # provide info about the system on which we are running
        loginf('sysinfo: %s' % ' '.join(os.uname()))
        fn = '/proc/cpuinfo'
            cpuinfo = self._readproc_dict(fn)
            for key in cpuinfo:
                loginf('cpuinfo: %s: %s' % (key, cpuinfo[key]))
        except Exception, e:
            logdbg("read failed for %s: %s" % (fn, e))

        self.ignored_mounts = ignored_mounts
        self.last_cpu = dict()
        self.last_net = dict()

    def _readproc_line(filename):
        """read single line proc file, return the string"""
        info = ''
        with open(filename) as fp:
            info = fp.readline().strip()
        return info

    def _readproc_lines(filename):
        """read proc file that has 'name value' format for each line"""
        info = dict()
        with open(filename) as fp:
            for line in fp:
                line = line.replace('  ', ' ')
                (label, data) = line.split(' ', 1)
                info[label] = data
        return info

    def _readproc_dict(filename):
        """read proc file that has 'name:value' format for each line"""
        info = dict()
        with open(filename) as fp:
            for line in fp:
                if line.find(':') >= 0:
                    (n, v) = line.split(':', 1)
                    info[n.strip()] = v.strip()
        return info

    def get_data(self, now=None):
        record = super(LinuxCollector, self).get_data(now)

        # read memory status
        fn = '/proc/meminfo'
            meminfo = self._readproc_dict(fn)
            if meminfo:
                record['mem_total'] = int(meminfo['MemTotal'].split()[0]) # kB
                record['mem_free'] = int(meminfo['MemFree'].split()[0]) # kB
                record['mem_used'] = record['mem_total'] - record['mem_free']
                record['swap_total'] = int(meminfo['SwapTotal'].split()[0]) # kB
                record['swap_free'] = int(meminfo['SwapFree'].split()[0]) # kB
                record['swap_used'] = record['swap_total'] - record['swap_free']
        except Exception, e:
            logdbg("read failed for %s: %s" % (fn, e))

        # get cpu usage
        fn = '/proc/stat'
            cpuinfo = self._readproc_lines(fn)
            if cpuinfo:
                values = cpuinfo['cpu'].split()[0:7]
                for i, k in enumerate(self._CPU_KEYS):
                    if k in self.last_cpu:
                        record['cpu_' + k] = int(values[i]) - self.last_cpu[k]
                    self.last_cpu[k] = int(values[i])
        except Exception, e:
            logdbg("read failed for %s: %s" % (fn, e))

        # get network usage
        fn = '/proc/net/dev'
            netinfo = self._readproc_dict(fn)
            if netinfo:
                for iface in netinfo:
                    values = netinfo[iface].split()
                    for i, k in enumerate(self._NET_KEYS):
                        if iface not in self.last_net:
                            self.last_net[iface] = {}
                        if k in self.last_net[iface]:
                            x = int(values[i]) - self.last_net[iface][k]
                            if x < 0:
                                maxcnt = 0x100000000 # 32-bit counter
                                if x + maxcnt < 0:
                                    maxcnt = 0x10000000000000000 # 64-bit counter
                                x += maxcnt
                            record['net_' + iface + '_' + k] = x
                        self.last_net[iface][k] = int(values[i])
        except Exception, e:
            logdbg("read failed for %s: %s" % (fn, e))

#        uptimestr = _readproc_line('/proc/uptime')
#        (uptime,idletime) = uptimestr.split()

        # get load and process information
        fn = '/proc/loadavg'
            loadstr = self._readproc_line(fn)
            if loadstr:
                (load1, load5, load15, nproc) = loadstr.split()[0:4]
                record['load1'] = float(load1)
                record['load5'] = float(load5)
                record['load15'] = float(load15)
                (num_proc, tot_proc) = nproc.split('/')
                record['proc_active'] = int(num_proc)
                record['proc_total'] = int(tot_proc)
        except Exception, e:
            logdbg("read failed for %s: %s" % (fn, e))

        # read cpu temperature
        tdir = '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device'
        # rpi keeps cpu temperature in a different location
        tfile = '/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp'
        if os.path.exists(tdir):
                for f in os.listdir(tdir):
                    if f.endswith('_input'):
                        s = self._readproc_line(os.path.join(tdir, f))
                        if s and len(s):
                            n = f.replace('_input', '')
                            t_C = int(s) / 1000 # degree C
                            record['cpu_' + n] = t_C
            except Exception, e:
                logdbg("read failed for %s: %s" % (tdir, e))
        elif os.path.exists(tfile):
                s = self._readproc_line(tfile)
                t_C = int(s) / 1000 # degree C
                record['cpu_temp'] = t_C
            except Exception, e:
                logdbg("read failed for %s: %s" % (tfile, e))

        # get stats on mounted filesystems
        fn = '/proc/mounts'
        disks = []
            mntlines = self._readproc_lines(fn)
            if mntlines:
                for mnt in mntlines:
                    mntpt = mntlines[mnt].split()[0]
                    ignore = False
                    if mnt.find(':') >= 0:
                        ignore = True
                    for m in self.ignored_mounts:
                        if mntpt.startswith(m):
                            ignore = True
                    if not ignore:
        except Exception, e:
            logdbg("read failed for %s: %s" % (fn, e))
        for disk in disks:
            label = disk.replace('/', '_')
            if label == '_':
                label = '_root'
            st = os.statvfs(disk)
            free = int((st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize) / 1024) # kB
            total = int((st.f_blocks * st.f_frsize) / 1024) # kB
            used = int(((st.f_blocks - st.f_bfree) * st.f_frsize) / 1024) # kB
            record['disk' + label + '_free'] = free
            record['disk' + label + '_total'] = total
            record['disk' + label + '_used'] = used

        return record

class MacOSXCollector(Collector):
    def __init__(self, hardware, ignored_mounts):
        super(MacOSXCollector, self).__init__(hardware)

        # provide info about the system on which we are running
        loginf('sysinfo: %s' % ' '.join(os.uname()))
        self.ignored_mounts = ignored_mounts
        self.last_cpu = dict()
        self.last_net = dict()

    def get_data(self, now=None):
        import psutil

        record = super(MacOSXCollector, self).get_data(now)

        # read memory status
        info = psutil.virtual_memory()
        record['mem_total'] = info.total
        record['mem_free'] = info.free
        record['mem_used'] = info.used
        record['mem_available'] = meminfo.available
        record['mem_active'] = meminfo.active
        record['mem_inactive'] = meminfo.inactive
        record['mem_wired'] = meminfo.wired
        info = psutil.swap_memory()
        record['swap_total'] = info.total
        record['swap_free'] = info.free
        record['swap_used'] = info.used
        record['swap_sin'] = info.sin
        record['swap_sout'] = info.sout

        # get cpu usage
        ncpu = psutil.cpu_count()
        record['cpu_count'] = ncpu
        info = psutil.cpu_times()
        for k in self._CPU_KEYS:
            v = getattr(info, k, None)
            if k in self.last_cpu:
                record['cpu_' + k] = v - self.last_cpu[k]
            self.last_cpu[k] = v

        # get network usage
        info = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)
        for iface in info:
            for k in self._NET_KEYS:
                if iface not in self.last_net:
                    self.last_net[iface] = {}
                v = getattr(info[iface], k, None)
                if k in self.last_net[iface]:
                    x = v - self.last_net[iface][k]
                    if x < 0:
                        maxcnt = 0x100000000 # 32-bit counter
                        if x + maxcnt < 0:
                            maxcnt = 0x10000000000000000 # 64-bit counter
                        x += maxcnt
                    record['net_' + iface + '_' + k] = x
                self.last_net[iface][k] = v

        # uptime
        # FIXME: implement uptime/idletime

        # get load and process information
        # FIXME: implement load

        # read cpu temperature
        # FIXME: implement cpu temperature

        # get stats on mounted filesystems
        info = psutil.disk_partitions()
        for d in info:
            label = d.mountpoint.replace('/', '_')
            if label == '_':
                label = '_root'
            du = psutil.disk_usage(d.mountpoint)
            record['disk' + label + '_free'] = du.free / 1024 # kB
            record['disk' + label + '_total'] = du.total / 1024 # kB
            record['disk' + label + '_used'] = du.used / 1024 # kB
            # FIXME: add io counters per disk

        return record

def loader(config_dict, engine):
    return ComputerMonitorDriver(**config_dict['ComputerMonitor'])

class ComputerMonitorDriver(AbstractDevice):
    """Driver for collecting computer health data."""

    def __init__(self, **stn_dict):
        loginf('driver version is %s' % DRIVER_VERSION)
        self.polling_interval = int(stn_dict.get('polling_interval', 10))
        loginf('polling interval is %s' % self.polling_interval)

        self.ignored_mounts = stn_dict.get('ignored_mounts', IGNORED_MOUNTS)
        self.hardware = stn_dict.get('hardware', [None])
        if not isinstance(self.hardware, list):
            self.hardware = [self.hardware]

        self.collector = get_collector(self.hardware, self.ignored_mounts)

    def hardware_name(self):
        return 'ComputerMonitor'

    def genLoopPackets(self):
        while True:
            p = self.collector.get_data()
            yield p

class ComputerMonitor(StdService):
    """Collect CPU, Memory, Disk, and other computer information."""

    def __init__(self, engine, config_dict):
        super(ComputerMonitor, self).__init__(engine, config_dict)
        loginf("service version is %s" % DRIVER_VERSION)

        d = config_dict.get('ComputerMonitor', {})
        self.max_age = weeutil.weeutil.to_int(d.get('max_age', 2592000))
        self.ignored_mounts = d.get('ignored_mounts', IGNORED_MOUNTS)
        self.hardware = d.get('hardware', [None])
        if not isinstance(self.hardware, list):
            self.hardware = [self.hardware]

        # get the database parameters we need to function
        binding = d.get('data_binding', 'cmon_binding')
        self.dbm = self.engine.db_binder.get_manager(data_binding=binding,

        # be sure schema in database matches the schema we have
        dbcol = self.dbm.connection.columnsOf(self.dbm.table_name)
        dbm_dict = weewx.manager.get_manager_dict(
            config_dict['DataBindings'], config_dict['Databases'], binding)
        memcol = [x[0] for x in dbm_dict['schema']]
        if dbcol != memcol:
            raise Exception('cmon schema mismatch: %s != %s' % (dbcol, memcol))

        self.last_ts = None
        self.collector = get_collector(self.hardware, self.ignored_mounts)
        self.bind(weewx.NEW_ARCHIVE_RECORD, self.new_archive_record)

    def shutDown(self):

    def new_archive_record(self, event):
        """save data to database then prune old records as needed"""
        now = int(time.time() + 0.5)
        delta = now - event.record['dateTime']
        if delta > event.record['interval'] * 60:
            logdbg("Skipping record: time difference %s too big" % delta)
        if self.last_ts is not None:
            self.save_data(self.get_data(now, self.last_ts))
        self.last_ts = now
        if self.max_age is not None:
            self.prune_data(now - self.max_age)

    def save_data(self, record):
        """save data to database"""

    def prune_data(self, ts):
        """delete records with dateTime older than ts"""
        sql = "delete from %s where dateTime < %d" % (self.dbm.table_name, ts)
            # sqlite databases need some help to stay small
        except Exception:

    def get_data(self, now_ts, last_ts):
        record = self.collector.get_data(now_ts)
        record['interval'] = int((now_ts - last_ts) / 60)
        return record

# To test this extension, do the following:
# cd /home/weewx
# PYTHONPATH=bin python bin/user/cmon.py
if __name__ == "__main__":
    usage = """%prog [options] [--help] [--debug]"""

    def main():
        import optparse
        import weecfg
        syslog.openlog('wee_cmon', syslog.LOG_PID | syslog.LOG_CONS)
        parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
        parser.add_option('--config', dest='cfgfn', type=str, metavar="FILE",
                          help="Use configuration file FILE. Default is /etc/weewx/weewx.conf or /home/weewx/weewx.conf")
        parser.add_option('--binding', dest="binding", metavar="BINDING",
                          help="The data binding to use. Default is 'cmon_binding'.")
        parser.add_option('--test-collector', dest='tc', action='store_true',
                          help='test the data collector')
        parser.add_option('--test-driver', dest='td', action='store_true',
                          help='test the driver')
        parser.add_option('--test-service', dest='ts', action='store_true',
                          help='test the service')
        parser.add_option('--update', dest='update', action='store_true',
                          help='update schema to v3')
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        if options.update:
            _, config_dict = weecfg.read_config(options.cfgfn, args)
            update_to_v3(config_dict, options.binding)
        elif options.tc:
        elif options.td:
        elif options.ts:

    def update_to_v3(config_dict, db_binding):
        import weedb
        import sqlite3
        from weewx.manager import Manager

        # update an old schema to v3-compatible.  this means adding the
        # interval column and populating it.
        mgr_dict = weewx.manager.get_manager_dict(config_dict['DataBindings'],

        # see if update is actually required
        schema_name = mgr_dict.get('schema')
        if schema_name is None:
            s = schema
        elif isinstance(schema_name, str):
            s = weeutil.weeutil._get_object(schema_name)
            s = mgr_dict['schema']
        if 'interval' in s:
            print "Column 'interval' already exists, update not necessary"

        # make a copy of the database dict
        new_db_dict = dict(mgr_dict['database_dict'])
        # modify the database name
        new_db_dict['database_name'] = mgr_dict['database_dict']['database_name'] + '_new'
        # see if the new db exists.  if so, see if we can delete it
        except weedb.DatabaseExists:
            ans = None
            while ans not in ['y', 'n']:
                ans = raw_input("New database '%s' already exists. Delete it (y/n)? " % (new_db_dict['database_name'],))
                if ans == 'y':
                elif ans == 'n':
                    print "update aborted"
        except sqlite3.OperationalError:

        # see if we really should do this
        ans = None
        while ans not in ['y', 'n']:
            ans = raw_input("Create new database %s (y/n)? " % new_db_dict['database_name'])
            if ans == 'y':
            elif ans == 'n':
                print "update aborted"

        # copy the data over
        cnt = 0
        with Manager.open(mgr_dict['database_dict']) as old_mgr:
            with Manager.open_with_create(new_db_dict, schema=s) as new_mgr:
                last_ts = None
                for r in old_mgr.genBatchRecords():
                    cnt += 1
                    print "record %d\r" % cnt,
                    ival = r['dateTime'] - last_ts if last_ts else 0
                    r['interval'] = ival
                    last_ts = r['dateTime']
        print "copied %d records\n" % cnt

    def test_collector():
        c = get_collector()
        while True:
            print c.get_data()

    def test_driver():
        driver = ComputerMonitorDriver()
        for p in driver.genLoopPackets():
            print p

    def test_service():
        from weewx.engine import StdEngine
        config = {
            'Station': {
                'station_type': 'Simulator',
                'altitude': [0, 'foot'],
                'latitude': 0,
                'longitude': 0},
            'Simulator': {
                'driver': 'weewx.drivers.simulator',
                'mode': 'simulator'},
            'ComputerMonitor': {
                'binding': 'cmon_binding'},
            'DataBindings': {
                'cmon_binding': {
                    'database': 'cmon_sqlite',
                    'manager': 'weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager',
                    'table_name': 'archive',
                    'schema': 'user.cmon.schema'}},
            'Databases': {
                'cmon_sqlite': {
                    'root': '%(WEEWX_ROOT)s',
                    'database_name': '/tmp/cmon.sdb',
                    'driver': 'weedb.sqlite'}},
            'Engine': {
                'Services': {
                    'archive_services': 'user.cmon.ComputerMonitor'}}}
        engine = StdEngine(config)
        svc = ComputerMonitor(engine, config)
        now_ts = int(time.time() + 0.5)
        last_ts = None
        for _ in range(4):
            if last_ts is not None:
                record = svc.get_data(now_ts, last_ts)
                print record
            last_ts = now_ts


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