okay it works great...

an additional question...
i am editing the config.json right now...
can you help me with the correct units please?

// The table columns to expose and their definitions. Only the columns 
listed here 
            // will be available to retrieve or update. If updating this 
entity through the API then all 
            // not-null columns that aren't defaulted must be listed. The 
key is the column name
            // as defined on the table. The value contains the properties 
of the column. Each column 
            // must have a 'type' property, however, currently the only 
supported type is "number", 
            // which is the default. Specifying a 'unit' is optional. List 
of supported units
            // is defined in 'include/Unit.class.php'.
            // Note: it's not currently not possible to define custom 
units/unit conversions, but 
            //       this feature is planned for a future release.
            "columns" : {
                "dateTime" :     {"type" : "number", "unit" : "s"},
                "interval" :     {},
                "barometer" :   {"unit" : "mmHg"},
"pressure" : {"unit" : "mmHg"},
"altimeter" : {"unit" : "m"},
                "inTemp" :       {"unit" : "c"},
                "outTemp" :     {"unit" : "c"},
                "inHumidity" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
                "outHumidity" : {"unit" : "perc"},
                "windSpeed" :   {"unit" : "kph"},
                "windDir" :     {"unit" : "deg"},
                "windGust" :     {"unit" : "kph"},
                "windGustDir" : {"unit" : "deg"},
                "rainRate" :     {"unit" : "mmHr"},
                "rain" :         {"unit" : "mm"},
                "dewpoint" :     {"unit" : "c"},
                "windchill" :   {"unit" : "c"},
                "heatindex" :   {"unit" : "c"},
"extraTemp1" : {"unit" : "c"},
"extraTemp2" : {"unit" : "c"},
"extraTemp3" : {"unit" : "c"},
"soilTemp1" : {"unit" : "c"},
"soilTemp2" : {"unit" : "c"},
"soilTemp3" : {"unit" : "c"},
"soilTemp4" : {"unit" : "c"},
"leafTemp1" : {"unit" : "c"},
"leafTemp2" : {"unit" : "c"},
"extraHumid1" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"extraHumid2" : {"unit" : "perc"},
"soilMoist1" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"soilMoist2" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"soilMoist3" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"soilMoist4" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"leafWet1" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"leafWet2" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"rxCheckPercent" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"txBatteryStatus" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"consBatteryVoltage" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"hail" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"hailRate" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"heatingTemp" :   {"unit" : "c"},
"heatingVoltage" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"supplyVoltage" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"referenceVoltage" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"windBatteryStatus" :   {"unit" : "perc"},
"rainBatteryStatus" : {"unit" : "perc"},
"outTempBatteryStatus" : {"unit" : "perc"},
"inTempBatteryStatus" : {"unit" : "perc"},
"ET" : {"unit" : "perc"}

??? How should the correct congig.js look like?

Anybody know how to add all of the connected sensors into weather 

Am Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2016 23:12:59 UTC+1 schrieb Glenn McKechnie:
> To clarify.
> You have weewx working with extra sensors.
> You are now trying to get mesowx working on a remote server, which you 
> have access to.
> > and edited the weewx.conf, added the 2 provided special sync.py from 
> LH...
> sync_lh9.py I assume is one of those files, what's the 2nd one?
>> Dec  1 15:17:48 raspberrypi weewx[3393]:     ****      val = 
>> dict.__getitem__(self, key)
>> Dec  1 15:17:48 raspberrypi weewx[3393]:     ****  KeyError: 
>> 'remote_server_url'
>> Dec  1 15:17:48 raspberrypi weewx[3393]:     ****  Exiting.
> > [RemoteSync]
> >   #
> >   # This section is for configuration of the MesoWx remote sync 
> service/plugin. This service
> >   # will synchronize archive and/or raw/LOOP data to a Meso web server 
> instance over HTTP. 
> >   #
> >   # The base URL of your Meso instance
> >   #    remote_server_url = XXX obfuscated by wee_debug XXX
> Going by the supplied weewx.conf file,  you don't have the  
> "remote_server_url" available, it's commented out.
> Try uncommenting it and see what happens.
> Regarding the extra sensors that you mention in your other thread, as 
> Andrew says the database needs to know about them.
> From memory, at least the following 2 mesowx files need the additional 
> sensor data added to them.
> js/Config.js 
>     Config.fieldDefaults = {
>         'dateTime':         new meso.FieldDef('dateTime',       
> meso.Unit.ms,           0,      meso.Agg.avg),
>         'outTemp':          new meso.FieldDef('outTemp',        
> mesowx.Unit.c,          1,      meso.Agg.avg,   'Out Temp'),
>         [...]
> also within
> meso/include/config.json
>             "columns" : {
>                 "dateTime" : {"type" : "number", "unit" : "s"},
>                 "interval" : {},
>                 "barometer" : {"unit" : "hPa"},
>                 [...]
> Cheers
>  Glenn
> rorpi - read only raspberry pi + weewx: now with scripts 
> <https://github.com/glennmckechnie/rorpi-raspberrypi>

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