Hi back, If it can help someone, here is the structure of what is sent by the weather station. The good new is there are extra info we should be able to get from the station - but I have no idea on how to implement this. (Sorry if it's showing weird, I am French and I copy/pasted from Word lol !)
The station sends this : GET /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?ID=Weather&PASSWORD=XXXX&tempf=36.5&humidity=79&dewptf=30.6&windchillf=32.2&winddir=75&windspeedmph=5.14&windgustmph=7.38&rainin=0.00&dailyrainin=0.00&weeklyrainin=0.00&monthyrainin=4.49&yearlyrainin=6.28&solarradiation=128.86&UV=1&indoortempf=53.2&indoorhumidity=62&baromin=30.27&lowbatt=0&dateutc=2016-11-29%2010:39:16&softwaretype=Weather%20logger%20V2.1.9&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5 HTTP/1.0 Name Designation Unit Value type Decimal (+ separator) ID Station name In Weather logger, it's Weather Network/Station ID - Text - PASSWORD Password In Weather logger, it's Weather Network/Password - Text (clear !!) - tempf Outdoor temperature °F Numeric 1 (.) humidity Outdoor humidity % Numeric - dewptf Dew Point °F Numeric 1 (.) windchillf Wind chill °F Numeric 1 (.) winddir Wind direction Angle value Numeric - windspeedmph Wind speed MPH Numeric 2 (.) windgustmph Wind gust MPH Numeric 2 (.) rainin Current rain In Numeric 2 (.) dailyrainin Daily rain In Numeric 2 (.) weeklyrainin Weekly Rain In Numeric 2 (.) monthlyrainin Monthly rain In Numeric 2 (.) yearlyrainin Yearly rain In Numeric 2 (.) solarradiation Solar Radiation W/m² Numeric 2 (.) UV UV Index Index Numeric - indoortempf Inside Temperature °F Numeric 1 (.) indoorhumidity Inside humidity % Numeric - baromin Barometer In ? Numeric 2 (.) lowbatt Battery status - Boolean ? - dateutc Time / Date UTC Timestamp/Text - softwaretype Model and firmware version - Text - action HTML GET action - Text / Updateraw - realtime Is it a live report ? - Boolean ? - rtfreq Refresh time ? - Minutes ? - -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "weewx-user" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.