​Skin configuration, including overrides from weewx.conf, have not changed
since they were introduced in V1.7.0, now 6+ years ago.​


On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 2:28 PM, Dave Webb KB1PVH <kb1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chris,
>  I got thinking about your comment and I believe when I first started the
> Big plots it was weewx 2.7.x and you could just enable Big reports and I
> adjusted the size.  The newer versions of weewx implement it differently, I
> think.
> Dave-KB1PVH
> Sent from my Galaxy S7
> On Dec 14, 2016 3:56 PM, "Dave Webb KB1PVH" <kb1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Chris,
>> To be honest, I'm not sure why I did it that way, LOL. I'm far from a
>> programming ninja.
>> Dave-KB1PVH
>> Sent from my Galaxy S7
>> On Dec 14, 2016 3:49 PM, "Chris Mattingly" <ch...@camattin.com> wrote:
>>> Dave, was there any particular reason for placing these in weewx.conf
>>> (which causes the full report to run twice) versus modifying skin.conf?
>>> I simply added stanzas such as:
>>>         [[[bigdaybarometer]]]
>>>             image_width = 619
>>>             image_height = 413
>>>             [[[[barometer]]]]
>>> Into the skin.conf, and then made similar edits to index.html.tmpl as
>>> you did below.
>>> On Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 8:22:21 AM UTC-5, Dave Webb wrote:
>>>> In weewx.conf I have the following
>>>> [[StandardReport]]
>>>>         # See the customizing guide to change the units, plot types and
>>>> line
>>>>         # colors, modify the fonts, display additional sensor data, and
>>>> other
>>>>         # customizations. Many of those changes can be made here by
>>>> overriding
>>>>         # parameters, or by modifying templates within the skin itself.
>>>>         # The StandardReport uses the 'Standard' skin, which contains
>>>> the
>>>>         # images, templates and plots for the report.
>>>>         skin = Standard
>>>>         [[[Units]]]
>>>>             [[[[Groups]]]]
>>>>                 group_pressure = mbar
>>>>     [[BigReport]]
>>>>         skin = Standard
>>>>         HTML_ROOT = public_html/big
>>>>         [[[ImageGenerator]]]
>>>>             image_width = 619
>>>>             image_height = 413
>>>> Then in index.html.tmpl I have the following
>>>>                 <td class="data">$almanac.moon_pha
>>>> se<br/>($almanac.moon_fullness% full)</td>
>>>>               </tr>
>>>>             </table>
>>>>             #end if
>>>>           </div> <!-- end class "celestial_group" -->
>>>>         </div> <!-- end id "almanac" -->
>>>>         <div id="plots">
>>>> <a href="big/daytempdew.png">            <img src="daytempdew.png"
>>>> alt="temperatures" /></a>
>>>> <a href="big/daytempchill.png">          <img src="daytempchill.png"
>>>> alt="heatchill" /></a>
>>>> <a href="big/dayrain.png">               <img src="dayrain.png"
>>>>  alt="rain" /></a>
>>>> <a href="big/daywind.png">               <img src="daywind.png"
>>>>  alt="wind" /></a>
>>>> <a href="big/daybarometer.png">          <img src="daybarometer.png"
>>>> alt="barometer"/></a>
>>>> <a href="big/daywinddir.png">            <img src="daywinddir.png"
>>>> alt="Hi Wind" /></a>
>>>> <a href="big/dayinside.png">             <img src="dayinside.png"
>>>>  alt="Inside" /></a>
>>>> <a href="big/daywindvec.png">            <img src="daywindvec.png"
>>>> alt="Wind Vector" /></a>
>>>>           #if $day.radiation.has_data
>>>>           <img src="dayradiation.png" alt="Radiation" />
>>>>           #end if
>>>>           #if $day.rxCheckPercent.has_data
>>>> <a href="big/dayrx.png">                 <img src="dayrx.png"
>>>>  alt="day rx percent"/></a>
>>>>           #end if
>>>>           #if $day.extraTemp1.has_data
>>>>           <img src="daypond.png"      alt="Pond Temperatures" />
>>>> It can be viewed here qsl.net/kb1pvh/weather
>>>> Dave-KB1PVH
>>>> On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 7:57 AM, Stéphane Calonnec <
>>>> daniel....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am using WeeWX 3.6.2 with latest Interceptor driver on my
>>>>> Weathersleuth on my RPi 2 (everything works fine, except the wind gust dir
>>>>> never worked, the values are NULL), with the default skin (but heavily
>>>>> edited), and I'd like to click on a graph to enlarge it (to a new window
>>>>> for instance, no need of lightbox), but I don't know how to do this in
>>>>> WeeWX.
>>>>> I found an interesting topic about adding some stansa to generate
>>>>> bigger pictures to a specific folder along the "regular" graphs (which is
>>>>> what I look for) but I do not know at all what stansa to add ; I also 
>>>>> tried
>>>>> to give a look to some skins doing it but I could not find anything 
>>>>> helpful
>>>>> to me. If I really can't, I'll trick using CSS.
>>>>> May anyone give me some clues to generate bigger files in a specific
>>>>> folder ? :)
>>>>> Thanks in advance !!!
>>>>> --
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