Hummm.... I guess I should had done a little more research, the one post I 
found,  the "--fix" was not in the example.

Looks like it is logging, I am seeing the follow entries about Primary Key 
in in messages. Do these log items look to be an issue?

Dec 27 21:07:22 md-centos weewx[32547]: manager: added record 2016-12-27 
07:17:22 CST (1482844642) to database 'weewx.sdb'
Dec 27 21:07:22 md-centos weewx[32547]: manager: added record 2016-12-27 
07:17:22 CST (1482844642) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
Dec 27 21:07:26 md-centos weewx[32547]: wmr200: MainThread: I genStartup() 
Still receiving archive packets cnt:161 len:1
Dec 27 21:07:26 md-centos weewx[32547]: wmr200: MainThread: I Using pc time 
adjusting archive record time by 314950642 sec 2007-01-04 01:00:00 CST 
(1167894000) => 2016-12-27 07:17:22 CST (1482844642)
Dec 27 21:07:26 md-centos weewx[32547]: manager: unable to add record 
2016-12-27 07:17:22 CST (1482844642) to database 'weewx.sdb': PRIMARY KEY 
must be unique
Dec 27 21:07:26 md-centos weewx[32547]: wmr200: MainThread: I genStartup() 
Still receiving archive packets cnt:162 len:1
Dec 27 21:07:26 md-centos weewx[32547]: wmr200: MainThread: I Using pc time 
adjusting archive record time by 314950642 sec 2007-01-04 01:04:00 CST 
(1167894240) => 2016-12-27 07:21:22 CST (1482844882)
Dec 27 21:07:26 md-centos weewx[32547]: manager: added record 2016-12-27 
07:21:22 CST (1482844882) to database 'weewx.sdb'
Dec 27 21:07:26 md-centos weewx[32547]: manager: added record 2016-12-27 
07:21:22 CST (1482844882) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'

On Tuesday, December 27, 2016 at 8:37:47 PM UTC-6, Tom Keffer wrote:
> Did you try adding the --fix option?
> *wee_database --string-check --fix*
> -tk
> On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 6:07 PM, Punch Card < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> So I think I have gotten the configuration file correct where it is 
>> seeing the weather station.
>> But it seems that there is some errant data in my wview sdb. Also I tried 
>> the *" wee_database --string-check"* there seem to be only one row in 
>> the data that had an issue, but it does not look like it corrected the row.
>> Is there a way to start weewx in a debug mode so I can find the errant 
>> data and either correct the data, or just delete the row.
>> Or do you have another suggestion?
>> [root@weewx]# wee_database --string-check
>>> Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>>> Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
>>> 'archive_sqlite'
>>> Checking archive database for strings...
>>> Timestamp = 1347032100; record['rain']= u'0\n0'; ... ignored.
>>> [root@weewx]# 
>> Last /var/log/messages for weewx attempt 
>> Dec 27 08:43:10 md-centos systemd: Stopping SYSV: start and stop the 
>> weewx weather system...
>> Dec 27 08:43:10 md-centos weewx: Shutting down weewx: [FAILED]
>> Dec 27 08:43:10 md-centos systemd: Stopped SYSV: start and stop the weewx 
>> weather system.
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos systemd: Starting SYSV: start and stop the 
>> weewx weather system...
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx[31695]: engine: Initializing weewx 
>> version 3.6.2
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx[31695]: engine: Using Python 2.7.5 
>> (default, Nov  6 2016, 00:28:07) #012[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11)]
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx[31695]: engine: Platform 
>> Linux-3.10.0-514.2.2.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-centos-7.3.1611-Core
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx[31695]: engine: pid file is 
>> /var/run/
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx[31699]: engine: Using configuration file 
>> /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx[31699]: engine: Loading station type 
>> WMR200 (weewx.drivers.wmr200)
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx: Starting weewx: [  OK  ]
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos systemd: Started SYSV: start and stop the weewx 
>> weather system.
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: MainThread: I Created 
>> watchdog thread to poke for live data every 30 seconds
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: MainThread: I Created USB 
>> polling thread to read block on device
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: Thread-2: I USB polling 
>> device thread for live data launched
>> Dec 27 09:32:16 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: MainThread: I Reset 
>> console device
>> Dec 27 09:32:17 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: Thread-2: I USB polling 
>> device thread signaled to start
>> Dec 27 09:32:17 md-centos weewx[31699]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 
>> 0x1
>> Dec 27 09:32:17 md-centos weewx[31699]: wxcalculate: The following values 
>> will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
>> dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, 
>> rainRate=prefer_hardware, windrun=prefer_hardware, 
>> heatindex=prefer_hardware, maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, 
>> humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=prefer_hardware, 
>> inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter=prefer_hardware, 
>> cloudbase=prefer_hardware
>> Dec 27 09:32:17 md-centos weewx[31699]: wxcalculate: The following 
>> algorithms will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
>> Dec 27 09:32:17 md-centos weewx[31699]: engine: Archive will use data 
>> binding wx_binding
>> Dec 27 09:32:17 md-centos weewx[31699]: engine: Record generation will be 
>> attempted in 'hardware'
>> Dec 27 09:32:17 md-centos weewx[31699]: engine: Using archive interval of 
>> 300 seconds (specified by hardware)
>> Dec 27 09:32:17 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: Thread-1: I Started 
>> watchdog thread live data
>> Dec 27 09:32:17 md-centos weewx[31699]: engine: Using binding 
>> 'wx_binding' to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Dec 27 09:32:17 md-centos weewx[31699]: manager: Starting backfill of 
>> daily summaries
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: Thread-2: I USB polling 
>> device thread exiting
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: MainThread: I USB polling 
>> thread expired
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: Thread-1: I Watchdog 
>> received shutdown
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: Thread-1: I Watchdog 
>> thread exiting
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: MainThread: I Watchdog 
>> thread expired
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: MainThread: I Received 
>> packet count live:0 archive:0 control:0
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: MainThread: I Received 
>> bytes:8 sent bytes:16
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: MainThread: I Packet 
>> archive queue len:0 live queue len:0
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]: wmr200: MainThread: I Driver 
>> gracefully exiting
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]: engine: Caught unrecoverable 
>> exception in engine:
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****  unsupported operand 
>> type(s) for +=: 'float' and 'unicode'
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****  Traceback (most recent 
>> call last):
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****    File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 841, in main
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****      engine = 
>> engine_class(config_dict)
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****    File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 76, in __init__
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****      
>> self.loadServices(config_dict)
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****    File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 140, in loadServices
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****      
>> self.service_obj.append(weeutil.weeutil._get_object(svc)(self, config_dict))
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****    File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 486, in __init__
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****      
>> self.setup_database(config_dict)
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****    File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 588, in setup_database
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****      _nrecs, _ndays = 
>> dbmanager.backfill_day_summary() # @UnusedVariable
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****    File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 1374, in backfill_day_summary
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****      
>> _day_accum.addRecord(_rec)
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****    File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 240, in addRecord
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****      func(self, record, 
>> obs_type, add_hilo)
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****    File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 310, in add_value
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****      
>> self[obs_type].addSum(val)
>> *Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****    File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 87, in addSumDec 27 09:32:18 
>> md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****      self.sum     += valDec 27 09:32:18 
>> md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for 
>> +=: 'float' and 'unicode'Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos weewx[31699]:    ****  
>> Exiting.*
>> Dec 27 09:32:18 md-centos python: detected unhandled Python exception in 
>> '/usr/bin/weewxd'
>> Dec 27 09:32:55 md-centos systemd: Stopping SYSV: start and stop the 
>> weewx weather system...
>> Dec 27 09:32:55 md-centos weewx: Shutting down weewx: [FAILED]
>> Dec 27 09:32:55 md-centos systemd: Stopped SYSV: start and stop the weewx 
>> weather system.
>> Thanks for your assistance in advance.
>> Regards,
>> Mike
>> -- 
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