Were there a new WMR200-driver introduced in Weewx 3.6.2?
Is it 3.1.1?

I have 5 THGR810 sensors. 

        extraTemp2     = Temperatur - Kallare (5E)
        extraHumid2    = Luftfuktighet - Kallare (5E)
        extraTemp3     = Temperatur - Vind (5E)
        extraHumid3    = Luftfuktighet - Vind (5E)
        extraTemp4     = Temperatur - Vind (5F)
        extraHumid4    = Luftfuktighet - Vind (5F)
        extraTemp5     = Temperatur - Skyddsrum (L5)
        extraHumid5    = Luftfuktighet - Skyddsrum (L5)
        extraTemp6     = Temperatur - Kanal6 (L5)
        extraHumid6    = Luftfuktighet - Kanal6 (L5)

But they have all steped one channel in the software i.e. the value of the 
sensor set on ch.3 will show up as extraTemp2 = ch.2, the ch.5-sensor is 
extraTemp4 in Weewx web page etc. The ch.6-sensor in N/A although it is 
"online" with WMR200.

Now, when I debug there is no extraTemp6 but extraTemp1 have emerged. It 
should not exist. I guess this is part of the problem but why did the index 
change to start on 1 instead of 2 (ch.1 is the "original" outdoor sensor on 

Jan  5 13:00:37 eBox3350 weewx[3827]: wmr200: MainThread: D  Packet cooked: 
id:14 Archive Data 2017-01-05 12:59:09 CET (1483617549) len:98 fields:33 
{'interval': 1, 'windchill': None, 'outHumidity': 75, 'rainRate': 0.0, 
'rain': 0.0, 'forecastIcon': 3, 'pressure': 992.0, 'extraHumid4': 23, 
'extraHumid5': 23, 'extraHumid2': 53, 'extraHumid3': 65, 'extraHumid1': 28, 
'totalRainLast': None, 'extraTemp4': 18.399999999999999, 'extraTemp5': 
21.600000000000001, 'altimeter': 992.0, 'extraTemp3': -9.3000000000000007, 
'usUnits': 16, 'extraTemp1': 21.800000000000001, 'totalRain': 
75.742800000000003, 'extraTemp2': -5.9000000000000004, 'heatindex': None, 
'UV': 0, 'dateTime': 1483617549.0, 'windDir': None, 'outTemp': 
-20.199999999999999, 'windSpeed': 0.0, 'inHumidity': 22, 'inTemp': 24.0, 
'rain24': 0.0, 'windGust': 0.0, 'hourRain': 0.0, 'windGustDir': None}

I see a similar problem on my other WMR200 (see picture), note the change..

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