On Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 6:42:04 AM UTC-5, gjr80 wrote:
> Hi,
> Looks like the wdMonthStats SLE is having a hissy fit over your rain 
> data. That SLE calculates Jan, Feb...Nov, Dec max/min/avg/total 
> temps/rainfall (as applicable) over all your data. In the past it has been 
> pretty temperamental when it comes to small amounts of data ie less than 1 
> full month or gaps of at least a full month in your data. I thought I had 
> fixed them but perhaps not. 
> A couple of questions. Does that error appear consistently or 
> occassionally? What archive period are you using and could you provide a 
> log extract covering a full archive period ie archive record being saved to 
> archive record being saved (I see you have debug = 1 set, leave it set 
> for the log extract). 
> I found what looks like your exfoliation page and it seems to me you only 
> have rain data from part of Dec 2016 and Jan 2017? It would help to know 
> the timestamps of the first and last archive records in you database. Could 
> I ask you to run a query on your database (assuming a setup.py install 
> using sqlite):
> $ sqlite3 /home/weewx/archive/weewx.sdb
> sqlite> SELECT min(dateTime), max(dateTime), count(dateTime) FROM archive;
> sqlite> .quit
> that should display a couple of timestamps and a count of your archive 
> records, those are what I am after. If you are not using sqlite then I 
> expect you know how to run that query on MySQL or whatever DBMS your are 
> using.
> Gary
> On Sunday, 8 January 2017 17:12:12 UTC+10, Dan'l B wrote:
>> WeeWx-WD is not displaying rainfall in the saratoga templates and the 
>> only rain-related error I can see in syslog is this:
>>> Jan  8 01:50:48 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: weewxWd: wdMoonApsis SLE 
>>>> executed in 0.021 seconds
>>> Jan  8 01:50:48 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: weewxWd: wdEclipse SLE 
>>>> executed in 0.000 seconds
>>> Jan  8 01:50:48 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: weewxWd: wdEarthApsis SLE 
>>>> executed in 0.000 seconds
>>> Jan  8 01:50:48 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: weewxWd: wdChineseNewYear SLE 
>>>> executed in 0.000 seconds
>>> Jan  8 01:50:57 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: cheetahgenerator: Generate 
>>>> failed with exception '<class 'NameMapper.NotFound'>'
>>> Jan  8 01:50:57 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: cheetahgenerator: **** 
>>>> Ignoring template /home/weewx/skins/Testtags/testtags.php.tmpl
>>> Jan  8 01:50:57 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: cheetahgenerator: **** Reason: 
>>>> cannot find 'formatted' while searching for 
>>>> 'currentmonthrecordrain.formatted'
>>> Jan  8 01:50:58 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: ****  Traceback (most recent 
>>>> call last):
>>> Jan  8 01:50:58 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: ****    File 
>>>> "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 315, in generate
>>> Jan  8 01:50:58 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: ****      print >> _file, text
>>> Jan  8 01:50:58 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: ****    File 
>>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cheetah/Template.py", line 1005, in 
>>>> __str__
>>> Jan  8 01:50:58 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: ****      rc = getattr(self, 
>>>> mainMethName)()
>>> Jan  8 01:50:58 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: ****    File 
>>>> "_home_weewx_skins_Testtags_testtags_php_tmpl.py", line 3032, in respond
>>> Jan  8 01:50:58 raspberrypi weewx[31749]: ****  NotFound: cannot find 
>>>> 'formatted' while searching for 'currentmonthrecordrain.formatted'
>>> WeeWx current version
>> WeeWx-WD: v 1.0.2
>> RPi 3 
The error is consistent, not irregular.

 I do indeed have rain data only from Dec and January; the station was just 
set up in December.

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