So do I create a new service for this or just extend the schema and not 
worry about creating a new service?

On Wednesday, 25 January 2017 09:28:18 UTC-5, mwall wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 9:13:41 AM UTC-5, Robert Mantel wrote:
>> What I would like to do it take the voltage and soc that I already dump 
>> into the fileparse file that it reads from and label map it into weewx.  My 
>> confusion is do I need to write a whole new service for this, or will the 
>> existing fileparse extension structure handle that and all I need to do it 
>> build the new values into the database?  My eventual goal is to have a nice 
>> steelseries gauge that displays the voltage and soc on a single dial, or 
>> maybe just the soc, depends on how frustrated I get trying to build that 
>> new
> assuming that fileparse is adding an observation called 'voltage':
> if you just want the current value, do this in your template:
> $current.voltage
> if you want to retain a history (so it can be displayed in a plot), then 
> simply add a 'voltage' column to the database:
> sqlite3 /var/lib/weewx/weewx.sdb
> sqlite> ALTER TABLE archive ADD voltage REAL;
> see the customization guide for details about extending the schema.
> m 

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