On Friday, January 27, 2017 at 3:42:49 PM UTC-5, Robert Mantel wrote:
> Got it figured out.  All I do is run my script every 15 minutes as Weather 
> Underground updates their forecast that often.  Then all i did was comment 
> out the zambretti stuff in gauge-data.txt.tmpl and substituted one line 
> with reads the text file generated by the script:
> #set $fc = file('/var/tmp/fctdata').read()
> That was easier than I made it out to be I guess.  Just posting this in 
> here if anyone is interested in doing the same thing.
> On Thursday, 26 January 2017 16:31:43 UTC-5, Robert Mantel wrote:
>> I'm starting to hone my python skills and have a snippet of code that 
>> will get the text forecast from weather underground and concatenate it into 
>> a single variable which I believe is what I will need to hijack the $fc 
>> variable in the gauges-data.txt.tmpl.  I haven't tried putting my code into 
>> the template yet, but was looking for validation as to whether this will 
>> work or not and what I might need to change to make it cheetah friendly?? 
>>  Here it is:
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> import json,requests,codecs
>> url = "http://api.wunderground.com/api/<api code>/forecast/q/yqt.json 
>> <http://api.wunderground.com/api/3eaba4f5fa8ab805/forecast/q/yqt.json>"
>> response = requests.get(url)
>> json_data = json.loads(response.text)
>> forecast_data = json_data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday']
>> fcast = ""
>> for item in forecast_data:
>>         forecastday = item.get('title')
>>         fcttext_metric = item.get('fcttext_metric')
>>         fcast += '{} {}'.format(forecastday, fcttext_metric,)
>> print fcast
>> obviously the print statement is just for troubleshooting so wouldn't be 
>> necessary once introduced into the template.  But I have no idea how 
>> cheetah will deal with it.

Does your WU API key allow that many accesses w/o paying extra for it? 

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