> Acurite 02064C weewx LOOP error on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

    Failed attempt 1 of 10 to get LOOP data: error sending control message: 
Protocol error 

I've had issues with this for about 13 months. It most often occurs when 
the weewx host reboots, the Acurite display unit will then have USB 
protocol issues for several hours until the acurite.py script effectively 
regains connection with the display unit. I don't like gaps in data and 
this has plagued me for a year. 


   1. Ferrite on the USB cable - No effect
   2. Reset the display console - No effect
   3. New USB cable (x2) - No effect
   4. CRON usb script task to reset the USB connection every 4 hours - no 
   5. Start the weewx host then plug in the display - no effect
   6. Plug in the display then start the weewx host - no effect

*The only quick solution I've found is to unplug the display from the weewx 
host and connect it to a Windows machine with the Acurite Connect software 
and allow it to complete a data dump, unplug it, then plug the display USB 
into the weewx host.*

After plugging it back into the weewx host and watching the ubuntu syslog 
(sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog) it will indicate after a few attempts that 
the USB connection is active and receiving data in +/- 5 minutes.

This suggests the USB controller in the display device is getting reset 
with the Acurite Connect software - outside the scope of what weewx 
currently has access to. It's unfortunate there isn't a method to reset the 
display device USB connection remotely.

*If someone has the ability to decompose the Acurite Connect software and 
find out how it is resetting the USB controller on the display device that 
would be very much appreciated.*

*Acurite Connect Software 

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