Hello !

*Regarding websockets: *

Just found the howto I was talking about:

it's in french (very convenient for me, sorrry guys ;-).
But as a summary, it says the websocket function of mosquitto can be 
enabled just with a small config file.

I will try this (quick & easy to test).

*Also, just to summarise my setup:*
I just received last week a brand new Orange Pi PC plus (kind of low cost 
raspberry which as a nice advantage imho: it has integrated emmc 8GB 
It is setup with Armbiam Ubuntu Xenial (server), v5.25.  (I am more 
familiar to ubuntu so it's easier for me too)
I just setup mosquitto from depot ( apt-get install mosquitto ).
I setup weewx using the quick start guide with depot 
( http://www.weewx.com/docs/apt-get.htm )

So it's all fresh install.
I only modified mosquitto config to use "user/password" and play a bit with 
weewx and wxMesh as you know.

*finally, I have a general question regarding how the driver works:*
let me know if my understanding is correct or wrong

the "on_message" stuff is kind of asynchronous
then when a message is available on the broker, this function will be 
trigged  and will load the message content in payload.

then the genLoopPackets is synchronous (I mean executed every n seconds, 
n=poll interval defined in weewx.conf)
So every n seconds, it checks if payload as some content and if yes, it 
will process the data and deliver the "_packet" to next weewx process 

If this is correct, does it mean that if several mqtt messages are 
delivered inside the n seconds interval, maybe only the last one will be 
processed ?

The background of the question is that I'm thinking if it may be possible 
to use a sub topic structure for mqtt
The simplest idea I have in mind is to have:  weather/<weewx_schemas_label>:

Then each of these topics may be sent at any time:  Temp, humidity, 
barometer may be send only every few minutes.  Wind may be sent  every 1 or 
few seconds,   rain may be send only when it's raining...
weewx driver may subscribe to /weather/# to get them all and process 
whenever they arrive ?

-Ok- I speak but don't have a clue on how to do that :-) not sure it is 

The advantage could that it stick better to what I have seen from mqtt 
usage, then same published topics could be used by other subscribers (
home-assistant <https://home-assistant.io/>, automatic watering for the 
garden or whatever)

Best regards,

Le mardi 21 février 2017 00:05:11 UTC+1, mwall a écrit :
> i found it helpful to configure the broker so that it publishes using 
> websockets.  then you can use a web browser to see what is happening.  this 
> is especially useful when you're trying to decode someone else's topic 
> hierarchy, or to figure out why your own topics are not showing up where 
> you think they should be.
> the hivemq folks wrote one of the first ones, which many people have now 
> embedded:
> http://www.hivemq.com/blog/full-featured-mqtt-client-browser
> http://www.espert.io/mqtt/index.html
> but many other browser-based clients are out there:
> http://mitsuruog.github.io/what-mqtt/
> https://www.cloudmqtt.com/docs-websocket.html
> if you're using the mosquitto broker, you'll have to compile it with 
> websocket compatibility.  but once you do that, enabling websockets is just 
> a matter of making the broker listen on the websocket port.
> m

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