On 27/03/17 10:47 AM, franan wrote:

Thanks for the explanation, Frank. I am using a Davis Vantage Vue with
weewx. You can see the data I generate here:


It's from the east coast of Canada. If you feel it would be useful for
your project, I can upload Weather365. I will need to know how to
configure weewx.conf to do so. I'll email i...@weather365.net asking to
register as a test station. Thanks for the reply!

- Paul

Good afternoon/evening, Frank:

I have followed your instructions and everything seemed to go well. I am uploading to your site every 5 minutes:

Mar 27 13:15:15 norge weewx[30201]: manager: Added record 2017-03-27 13:15:00 ADT (1490631300) to database 'weewx.sdb' Mar 27 13:15:15 norge weewx[30201]: manager: Added record 2017-03-27 13:15:00 ADT (1490631300) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb' Mar 27 13:15:15 norge weewx[30201]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 14 files for report StandardReport in 0.20 seconds Mar 27 13:15:15 norge weewx[30201]: restx: PWSWeather: Published record 2017-03-27 13:15:00 ADT (1490631300) Mar 27 13:15:15 norge weewx[30201]: imagegenerator: Generated 13 images for StandardReport in 0.08 seconds Mar 27 13:15:15 norge weewx[30201]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to /home/weewx/public_html Mar 27 13:15:15 norge weewx[30201]: restx: AWEKAS: Published record 2017-03-27 13:15:00 ADT (1490631300) Mar 27 13:15:16 norge weewx[30201]: restx: Weather365: Published record 2017-03-27 13:15:00 ADT (1490631300) Mar 27 13:15:16 norge weewx[30201]: restx: CWOP: Published record 2017-03-27 13:15:00 ADT (1490631300)

    I see my data on your web site:


I will let this run from now on unless you advise me otherwise. It's a pleasure to share my data with as many organizations as possible.

I am not running this on a Raspberry Pi. I'm using a CentOS Linux server, but I was able to use the Pi instructions to get it working on the first attempt. Perhaps other users of weewx will add the Weather365 to their systems. I'll copy this to the weewx users group list to let the group know what we have done. I have BCC'ed this to your private email address so as not to make it public.

- Paul VE1DX

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