Pages are being generated and ftp'd and it's likely that your logger has 
been corrupted in some way during it dislodgement(?), but it's impossible 
to diagnose any furhter without seeing more of the log. Could you please 
post the log from weeWX startup, the startup results in quite a bit of info 
being sent to the log that is useful for troubleshooting. You should be 
looking for something like

Mar 20 20:01:32 aurora weewx[19956]: Starting weewx weather system: weewx.

and taking the extract from this point on. Please don't remove or edit 
anything in the extract.


On Sunday, 2 April 2017 13:29:22 UTC+10, Clay Croom wrote:
> The FTP process seems to be functioning but nothing is being updated 
> following 3/31/2017.  Also when I run wunderfixer Wunderground is not 
> updated and there has to be missing entries.  I'm wondering if the database 
> is being populated?
> Apr  1 23:20:19 weather weewx[3063]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to 
> /var/www/html/weewx
> Apr  1 23:20:19 weather weewx[3063]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 1 files 
> for report xstats in 0.04 seconds
> Apr  1 23:20:28 weather dhclient: No DHCPOFFERS received.
> Apr  1 23:20:28 weather dhclient: No working leases in persistent database 
> - sleeping.
> Apr  1 23:20:32 weather weewx[3063]: ftpgenerator: ftp'd 27 files in 12.38 
> seconds
> Apr  1 23:25:18 weather weewx[3063]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 14 files 
> for report StandardReport in 2.09 seconds
> Apr  1 23:25:19 weather weewx[3063]: imagegenerator: Generated 12 images 
> for StandardReport in 0.67 seconds
> Apr  1 23:25:19 weather weewx[3063]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to 
> /var/www/html/weewx
> Apr  1 23:25:19 weather weewx[3063]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 1 files 
> for report xstats in 0.04 seconds
> Apr  1 23:25:31 weather weewx[3063]: ftpgenerator: ftp'd 27 files in 12.26 
> seconds
> On Saturday, April 1, 2017 at 11:15:34 PM UTC-4, gjr80 wrote:
>> No need to --drop-daily as of 3.7.0 but no matter. The answer will be in 
>> the logs. Can you please post a log extract from when you started weeWX 
>> (after rebuilding) until a couple of posts to WU have been completed.
>> Gary
>> On Sunday, 2 April 2017 13:11:18 UTC+10, Clay Croom wrote:
>>> Well, I ran these commands and now it's updating Wunderground but not 
>>> generating webpages following 3/31/2017 nor updating PWS.  Any suggestions?
>>> wee_database weewx.conf --drop-daily
>>> from:'bad'-data
>>> and 
>>> wee_database weewx.conf --rebuild-daily
>>> On Saturday, April 1, 2017 at 10:40:19 PM UTC-4, Clay Croom wrote:
>>>> I moved my weather station and in the process the data logger became 
>>>> dislodged.  Not sure what happened but now weewx will not start.  I have 
>>>> upgraded to the latest version (3.7.1-1), etc... about everything I know 
>>>> to 
>>>> do ... Can someone take a look below and provide your thoughts?  I ran the 
>>>> debug command and everything looks OK.  It has been running for months 
>>>> without any problems.  Thanks, Clay
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1591]: Starting weewx weather system: 
>>>> weewx.
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather systemd[1]: Started LSB: weewx weather system.
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 
>>>> 0x1
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]: wxcalculate: The following values 
>>>> will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
>>>> dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, 
>>>> rainRate=prefer_hardware, windrun=prefer_hardware, 
>>>> heatindex=prefer_hardware, maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, 
>>>> humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=prefer_hardware, 
>>>> inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter=prefer_hardware, 
>>>> cloudbase=prefer_hardware
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]: wxcalculate: The following 
>>>> algorithms will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]: engine: Archive will use data 
>>>> binding wx_binding
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]: engine: Record generation will be 
>>>> attempted in 'hardware'
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]: engine: Using archive interval of 
>>>> 300 seconds (specified by hardware)
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' 
>>>> to database 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]: manager: Starting backfill of 
>>>> daily summaries
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]: engine: Caught unrecoverable 
>>>> exception in engine:
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****  lastUpdate(2017-04-01 
>>>> 21:10:00 EDT (1491095400)) > lastRecord(2017-03-31 11:45:00 EDT 
>>>> (1490975100))
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****  Traceback (most recent 
>>>> call last):
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****    File 
>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 865, in main
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****      engine = 
>>>> engine_class(config_dict)
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****    File 
>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 77, in __init__
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****      
>>>> self.loadServices(config_dict)
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****    File 
>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 141, in loadServices
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****      
>>>> self.service_obj.append(weeutil.weeutil._get_object(svc)(self, 
>>>> config_dict))
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****    File 
>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 491, in __init__
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****      
>>>> self.setup_database(config_dict)
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****    File 
>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 604, in setup_database
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****      _nrecs, _ndays = 
>>>> dbmanager.backfill_day_summary() # @UnusedVariable
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****    File 
>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 1411, in backfill_day_summary
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****      
>>>> timestamp_to_string(lastRecord)))
>>>> Apr  1 22:26:01 weather weewx[1604]:     ****  ViolatedPrecondition: 
>>>> lastUpdate(2017-04-01 21:10:00 EDT (1491095400)) > lastRecord(2017-03-31 
>>>> 11:45:00 EDT (1490975100))

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