On Tuesday, 20 June 2017 10:01:55 UTC+10, Steve2Q wrote:
> Gary..." If you want to try to get the HTTP POST up and running let me 
> know and I will knock up some instructions.."
> That would be appreciated. While I understand some of the concepts and can 
> do minor modifications, I am in no way proficient in programming, but I am 
> great at following instructions. 

Have drafted some instructions but just need to run through them for 
completeness. Will be a tomorrow (for me) job.

> The post I referred to did not mention posting data to Wunderground, but I 
> think he figured out how the WU rapidfire windspeed/direction indicator 
> worked and then put the same on his website.
Correct, my mistake, I remember that now, he was imitating a WU like wind 
speed/dir display. (the data transfer for which is being done by a HTTP 
POST or GET I believe).


> Steve

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