WeeWX takes the gauge-data.txt.tmpl template file and produces the file 
gauge-data.txt that contains the data used by the SteelSeries gauges. Our first 
step is to confirm gauge-data.txt is being generated. The simplest way to do 
this is to look in your directory tree for the file. If you are new to weeWX I 
assume you re using an out of the box .deb or setup.py install. Depending on 
which install will determine where the generated data gauge-data.txt is stored. 
Have a look in the /var/www/html/weewx (.deb) or /home/weewx/public_html 
(setup.py) directories. Is there a directory named ss in either of these 
directories? If so look in the ss directory, is there gauge-data.txt file? 
Assuming there is have a look at its contents, you should see a lot of field 
names and values. Take note of the full path to the gauge-data.txt file. If you 
cannot find gauge-data.txt or any of the directories we will need to use some 
debug settings and look at the weeWX log to see what is going on. 

Let us know what you find.


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