Which ID and password I should use?

Dne torek, 12. september 2017 17.28.24 UTC+2 je oseba mwall napisala:
> On Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 11:15:49 AM UTC-4, Damjan Hajsek wrote:
>> I did it but no changes on weewx.
>> Maybe it is something wrong with this interceptor driver?
> try posting directly to weewx.  you can do it with your web browser or 
> telnet.  
> send it this (all one line):
> http://x.x.x.x
> /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.asp?ID=XXXXXXXXXXXXX&PASSWORD=PASSWORD&out
> temp=6.3&outhumi=80&dewpoint=3.1&windchill=6.3&winddir=197&windspeed=0.0&windgu
> st=0.0&rainrate=0.0&dailyrain=0.0&weeklyrain=0.0&monthlyrain=0.0&yearlyrain=0.0
> &light=0.00&UV=1&intemp=19.8&inhumi=46&absbaro=1018.30&relbaro=1018.30&lowbatt=
> 0&dateutc=2016-4-30%2021:5:1&softwaretype=Weather%20logger%20V2.1.9&action=upda
> teraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5 
> or this:
> /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?ID=XXXXXXXXXXXXX&PASSWORD=PASSWORD&tem
> pf=-9999&humidity=-9999&dewptf=-9999&windchillf=-9999&winddir=-9999&windspeedmp
> h=-9999&windgustmph=-9999&rainin=0.00&dailyrainin=0.00&weeklyrainin=0.00&monthl
> yrainin=0.00&yearlyrainin=0.00&solarradiation=-9999&UV=-9999&indoortempf=66.2&i
> ndoorhumidity=47&baromin=29.94&lowbatt=0&dateutc=2016-5-10%202:34:15&softwarety
> pe=Weather%20logger%20V3.0.7&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5
> then post the log and post what you get in response.
> m

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