Glen, thank you for writing back. Yes, I had it as service, not driver. So
I have installed everything from scratch...

raspbian stretch minimal image file copied to SD card
sudo raspi-config (to enable 1-Wire)
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
wget -qO - | sudo tee
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install weewx
sudo apt-get install lighttpd

and then the steps in
that is...
sudo apt-get install python-ow
sudo wee_extension --install weewx-owfs-0.21.tgz
sudo reboot correctly shows the Simulator website

Only problem is that now...

sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python /usr/share/weewx/user/
--iface localhost:4304 --sensors

is not producing any output but error:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python
/usr/share/weewx/user/ --iface localhost:4304 --sensors
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/weewx/user/", line 618, in <module>
  File "/usr/share/weewx/user/", line 578, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ow/", line 224, in init
    raise exNoController

I have edited weewx.conf to change Simulator to OWFS but still the same
error. So I must be doing something wrong this time. Please, any tip is
welcome. Thank you once more for your support.


# Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Tom Keffer <>
# See the file LICENSE.txt for your rights.


# This section is for general configuration information.

# Set to 1 for extra debug info, otherwise comment it out or set to zero
debug = 0

# Root directory of the weewx data file hierarchy for this station

# How long to wait before timing out a socket (FTP, HTTP) connection
socket_timeout = 20

# Do not modify this. It is used when installing and updating weewx.
version = 3.8.0


#   This section is for information about the station.


    # Description of the station location
    location = "My Location"

    # Latitude and longitude in decimal degrees
    latitude = 1
    longitude = -1

    # Altitude of the station, with unit it is in. This is downloaded from
    # from the station if the hardware supports it.
    altitude = 1, meter

    # Set to type of station hardware. There must be a corresponding stanza
    # in this file with a 'driver' parameter indicating the driver to be
    station_type = OWFS
    # If you have a website, you may specify an URL
    #station_url =

    # The start of the rain year (1=January; 10=October, etc.). This is
    # downloaded from the station if the hardware supports it.
    rain_year_start = 1

    # Start of week (0=Monday, 6=Sunday)
    week_start = 0


    # This section is for the weewx weather station simulator

    # The time (in seconds) between LOOP packets.
    loop_interval = 2.5

    # The simulator mode can be either 'simulator' or 'generator'.
    # Real-time simulator. Sleep between each LOOP packet.
    mode = simulator
    # Generator.  Emit LOOP packets as fast as possible (useful for
    #mode = generator

    # The start time. Format is YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM. If not specified, the
    # is to use the present time.
    #start = 2011-01-01T00:00

    # The driver to use:
    driver = weewx.drivers.simulator


#   This section is for uploading data to Internet sites


        # To register this weather station with weewx, set this to true
        register_this_station = false

        # This section is for configuring posts to AWEKAS.

        # If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
        # and specify a username and password.
        enable = false
        username = replace_me
        # To guard against parsing errors, put your password in quotes:
        password = replace_me

        # This section is for configuring posts to CWOP.

        # If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
        # and specify the station ID (e.g., CW1234).
        enable = false
        station = replace_me

    # If this is an APRS (radio amateur) station, uncomment
    # the following and replace with a passcode (e.g., 12345).
    #passcode = replace_me (APRS stations only)

        # This section is for configuring posts to

        # If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
        # and specify a station and password.
        enable = false
        station = replace_me
        # To guard against parsing errors, put your password in quotes:
        password = replace_me

        # This section is for configuring posts to WOW.

        # If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
        # and specify a station and password.
        enable = false
        station = replace_me
        # To guard against parsing errors, put your password in quotes:
        password = replace_me

        # This section is for configuring posts to the Weather Underground.

        # If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
        # and specify a station (e.g., 'KORHOODR3') and password.
        enable = false
        station = replace_me
        # To guard against parsing errors, put your password in quotes:
        password = replace_me

        # Set the following to True to have weewx use the WU "Rapidfire"
        # protocol. Not all hardware can support it. See the User's Guide.
        rapidfire = False


#   This section specifies what reports, using which skins, to generate.


    # Where the skins reside, relative to WEEWX_ROOT
    SKIN_ROOT = /etc/weewx/skins

    # Where the generated reports should go, relative to WEEWX_ROOT
    HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx

    # The database binding indicates which data should be used in reports.
    data_binding = wx_binding

    # Each of the following subsections defines a report that will be run.

        # See the customizing guide to change the units, plot types and line
        # colors, modify the fonts, display additional sensor data, and
        # customizations. Many of those changes can be made here by
        # parameters, or by modifying templates within the skin itself.

        # The StandardReport uses the 'Standard' skin, which contains the
        # images, templates and plots for the report.
        skin = Standard
                group_altitude = meter
                group_speed2 = meter_per_second2
                group_pressure = mbar
                group_rain = mm
                group_rainrate = mm_per_hour
                group_temperature = degree_C
                group_degree_day = degree_C_day
                group_speed = meter_per_second

        # FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another
        # albeit one with an unusual report generator!
        skin = Ftp

        # If you wish to use FTP, uncomment and fill out the next four
        #user = replace with the ftp username
        #password = replace with the ftp password; put in quotes to guard
against parsing errors.
        #server = replace with the ftp server name, e.g,
        #path = replace with the ftp destination directory (e.g., /weather)

        # Set to True for an FTP over TLS (FTPS) connection. Not all servers
        # support this.
        secure_ftp = False

        # To upload files from something other than what HTML_ROOT is set
        # to above, specify a different HTML_ROOT here.
        #HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx

        # Most FTP servers use port 21
        port = 21

        # Set to 1 to use passive mode, zero for active mode
        passive = 1

        # rsync'ing to a webserver is treated as just another report
        skin = Rsync

        # If you wish to use rsync, you must configure passwordless ssh
        # public/private key authentication from the user account that weewx
        # runs as to the user account on the remote machine where the files
        # will be copied.
        # The following three lines determine where files will be sent.
        #server = replace with the rsync server name, e.g,
        #path = replace with the rsync destination directory (e.g.,
        #user = replace with the rsync username

        # Rsync can be configured to remove files from the remote server if
        # they don't exist under HTML_ROOT locally. USE WITH CAUTION: if you
        # make a mistake in the remote path, you could could unintentionally
        # cause unrelated files to be deleted. Set to 1 to enable remote
        # deletion, zero to allow files to accumulate remotely.
        delete = 0


#   This service acts as a filter, converting the unit system coming from
#   the hardware to a unit system in the database.


    # The target_unit affects only the unit system in the database. Once
    # chosen it cannot be changed without converting the entire database.
    # Modification of target_unit after starting weewx will result in
    # corrupt data - the database will contain a mix of US and METRIC data.
    # The value of target_unit does not affect the unit system for
    # reporting - reports can display US, Metric, or any combination of
    # In most cases, target_unit should be left as the default: US
    # In particular, those migrating from a standard wview installation
    # should use US since that is what the wview database contains.

    target_unit = US    # Options are 'US', 'METRICWX', or 'METRIC'


#   This section can adjust data using calibration expressions.


        # For each type, an arbitrary calibration expression can be given.
        # It should be in the units defined in the StdConvert section.
        # Example:
        foo = foo + 0.2


#   This section is for quality control checks. If units are not specified,
#   values must be in the units defined in the StdConvert section.


        barometer = 26, 32.5, inHg
        outTemp = -40, 120, degree_F
        inTemp = 10, 120, degree_F
        outHumidity = 0, 100
        inHumidity = 0, 100
        windSpeed = 0, 120, mile_per_hour
        pressure = 24, 34.5, inHg


#   This section controls the origin of derived values.


        # Derived quantities are calculated by this service. Possible
values are:
        #  hardware        - use the value provided by hardware
        #  software        - use the value calculated by weewx
        #  prefer_hardware - use value provide by hardware if available,
        #                      otherwise use value calculated by weewx

        pressure = prefer_hardware
        barometer = prefer_hardware
        altimeter = prefer_hardware
        windchill = prefer_hardware
        heatindex = prefer_hardware
        dewpoint = prefer_hardware
        inDewpoint = prefer_hardware
        rainRate = prefer_hardware


#   For hardware that supports it, this section controls how often the
#   onboard clock gets updated.


    # How often to check the weather station clock for drift (in seconds)
    clock_check = 14400

    # How much it can drift before we will correct it (in seconds)
    max_drift = 5


#   This section is for configuring the archive service.


    # If the station hardware supports data logging then the archive
    # will be downloaded from the station. Otherwise, specify it (in
    archive_interval = 300

    # If possible, new archive records are downloaded from the station
    # hardware. If the hardware does not support this, then new archive
    # records will be generated in software.
    # Set the following to "software" to force software record generation.
    record_generation = hardware

    # Whether to include LOOP data in hi/low statistics
    loop_hilo = True

    # The data binding used to save archive records
    data_binding = wx_binding


#   This section binds a data store to a database.


        # The database must match one of the sections in [Databases].
        # This is likely to be the only option you would want to change.
        database = archive_sqlite
        # The name of the table within the database
        table_name = archive
        # The manager handles aggregation of data for historical summaries
        manager = weewx.wxmanager.WXDaySummaryManager
        # The schema defines the structure of the database.
        # It is *only* used when the database is created.
        schema = schemas.wview.schema


#   This section defines various databases.


    # A SQLite database is simply a single file
        database_type = SQLite
        database_name = weewx.sdb

    # MySQL
        database_type = MySQL
        database_name = weewx


#   This section defines defaults for the different types of databases.


    # Defaults for SQLite databases
        driver = weedb.sqlite
        # Directory in which the database files are located
        SQLITE_ROOT = /var/lib/weewx

    # Defaults for MySQL databases
        driver = weedb.mysql
        # The host where the database is located
        host = localhost
        # The user name for logging in to the host
        user = weewx
        # The password for the user name. Put in quotes to guard against
parsing errors.
        password = weewx


#   This section configures the internal weewx engine.


        # This section specifies the services that should be run. They are
        # grouped by type, and the order of services within each group
        # determines the order in which the services will be run.
        prep_services = weewx.engine.StdTimeSynch
        data_services = ,
        process_services = weewx.engine.StdConvert,
weewx.engine.StdCalibrate, weewx.engine.StdQC,
        archive_services = weewx.engine.StdArchive
        restful_services = weewx.restx.StdStationRegistry,
weewx.restx.StdWunderground, weewx.restx.StdPWSweather,
weewx.restx.StdCWOP, weewx.restx.StdWOW, weewx.restx.StdAWEKAS
        report_services = weewx.engine.StdPrint, weewx.engine.StdReport


# Options for extension 'owfs'
    interface = u
    driver = user.owfs

On 11 December 2017 at 23:10, Glenn McKechnie <>

> Hi Miguel,
> On 5 December 2017 at 02:27, Miguel Andres <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> > I have been suggested to post this question to this group as a weewx-user
> > group instead of the issues in github.
> >
> >
> > I have read issue 77 and has helped but --readings do not seem to show...
> From what you have shown, --readings is working as it should, so I'm
> guessing that there is more to the question?
> Are you having trouble getting the required values picked up by weewx?
> If that's the case then your weewx.conf is probably incomplete and
> we'd need to see a copy of that (with passwords removed).
> Reading the remainder of your post, a couple of observations follow.
> You still have the simulator running - you don't need it.
> You have owfs installed as a service. If the only weather sensors you
> have are the 1-wire ones then run it as a driver.
> You can use --readings as you have to display all your sensors (as you
> have done)
> or use --reading  /with/path/tofield  to dryrun the string you'll use
> in the [sensor_map] section in weewx.conf
> eg:-
> PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python /usr/share/weewx/user/
> --iface localhost:4304  --reading /10.67C6697351FF/temperature
> will return just...
> /10.67C6697351FF/temperature: 50.105
> of note: You can't use any of these direct commands ( if weewx
> is running and claimed the ow interface (although I do wonder if that
> would be different in your case, where you are not using the usb
> iface?)
> Visit and review and follow
> the notes there which will configure it as a driver.
>  In particular, note point 5.  Modify weewx.conf:
> [...]
> Cheers
>  Glenn
> rorpi - read only raspberry pi & various weewx addons
> --
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> "weewx-user" group.
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