I did a bit of digging/googling/reading between the lines when I was putting 
together an extension to produce a loop based gauge-data.txt for the 
SteelSeries gauges and worked out the format of the windrose 'field' 
(realtime.txt and gauge-data.txt use the same Cumulus windrose web tag). From 
memory it is simply the sum of the wind speeds for each of the 16 
cardinal/intercardinal/secondary intercardinal directions over a period of 
time. A fairly straightforward sql query and a bit of processing of the query 
results gives the required data. Units are irrelevant since all you are 
concerned with is the relative values. My implementation is in def 
calc_windrose() in rtgd.py 

Don't see why a simple template could not be used for realmore.txt, there is 
nothing complex about it and one of the linked docs says 'does not require an 
update in realtime, just every few minutes' so a cheetah template would do fine.

CumulusWebTagsEngine and CumulusGenerator, maybe next months job, unless you 
have one ready to go Matthew?


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