I want to send it to a different location on my webserver, or at least have 
the flexibility to do so.
Currently I have 3 ftp reports for that very purpose.  I send an XML file 
to one location, snapshots to another, and the standard weewx report to a 
third.  I want to start out, until I have completed troubleshooting, with 
the snow report going to it's own location on the server.  Later, once 
everything is working smoothly I may actually integrate the snow data into 
the standard report.

On Friday, January 12, 2018 at 2:04:12 PM UTC-8, Joe Percival wrote:
> Here is what I am planning to use for the installer for a custom service 
> I'm adding.  
> I would appreciate any feedback you can give but there is one obvious 
> question... for both the 'snow' standard report and the 'FTP3' ftp report 
> should the HTML_ROOT be the same, ie 'public_html/snow'?  
> This was (obviously) adapted from the mem service example.
> Thank you!
> from setup import ExtensionInstaller
> def loader():
>     return SnowDepthInstaller()
> class SnowDepthInstaller(ExtensionInstaller):
>     def __init__(self):
>         super(SnowDepthInstaller, self).__init__(
>             version="0.2",
>             name='snow',
>             description='Collect and display snow depth.',
>             author="Joe Percival",
>             author_email="m...@mysite.com",
>             process_services='user.snow.SnowDepth',
>             config={
>                 'SnowDepth': {
>                     'data_binding': 'snow_binding',
>                     'address = 192.168.1.xxx',
>                     'username = theuser',
>                     'password = thepassword',
>                     'max_mm = 5000',
>                     'app_name = snowpy.py',
>                 'DataBindings': {
>                     'snow_binding': {
>                         'database': 'snow_sqlite',
>                         'table_name': 'archive',
>                         'manager': 'weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager',
>                         'schema': 'user.snow.schema'}},
>                 'Databases': {
>                     'snow_sqlite': {
>                         'database_name': 'snow.sdb',
>                         'driver': 'weedb.sqlite'}},
>                 'StdReport': {
>                     'snow': {
>                         'skin': 'snow',
>                         'HTML_ROOT': 'snow'}
>                     'FTP3': {
>                         'skin': 'Ftp'
>                         'HTML_ROOT': 'public_html/snow'
>                         'user': 'ftpu...@mytsite.com'
>                         'password': 'myftppw'
>                         'server': 'ftp.mysite.com'
>                         'path': '/path/to/where/it/goes'
>                         'passive': '1'}},
>             files=[('bin/user', ['bin/user/snow.py']),
>                    ('skins/snow', ['skins/snow/skin.conf',
>                                    'skins/snow/index.html.tmpl',
>                                    'skins/snow/weewx.css'])]
>             )

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