On Saturday, 13 January 2018 13:10:05 UTC+10, torre...@gmail.com wrote:
> What I was trying:
> pi@raspberrypi:/ $ lsof /dev/ttyUSBO
> bash: lsof: command not found
> pi@raspberrypi:/ $ cd /etc/weewx
> pi@raspberrypi:/etc/weewx $ lsof /dev/ttyUSBO
> bash: lsof: command not found

Would seem that lsof is not installed, it's installed on my raspbian jessie 
and debian stretch. You might want want to try installing it:

$ sudo apt-get install lsof

As for your VP2, is it in fact on USB0? Unplug it then plug it in and see 
what is in your syslog.


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