On 14 January 2018 at 16:13, Praveen Chandrasekaran <praveen.c...@gmail.com>

> Regarding 3 the data logger does have the data. So why can't the sql
> database be reconstructed?

Ah, you have a datalogger, and it's a Davis, I missed that.
The answer is - I don't know. An interesting question though.
You'll need to consult the manual or review what the weewx hardware docs
<http://www.weewx.com/docs/hardware.htm#vantage_notes> say in reference to
it.  I defer to the experts.

First question to ask would be how much does it store, and for how long?
Which then leads to...  Will your pi's uptime exceed that of the
dataloggers size? ie: Will there be a gap in data if, or when, the pi falls

> One (hopefully last!) Question.
> Does the script you have for rorpi setup work with stock systemd. In
> preinstall step if I don't replace systemd with sysV does it still work ?

It does, providing you reset the initmethod option within the
rorpi-preinstall.sh script. line 32 will inform.

You will then need to chase down various little niggles to satisfy systemd
as it insists on leaving its mark in various corners.
They aren't show stoppers, or at least weren't when I ran it with deb 8.
Another user stuck with systemd on multiple units (no weewx) and I believe
they were having success with them all.

If you do go down that path then follow up questions will definitely belong
over at rorpi-discussion


rorpi - read only raspberry pi & various weewx addons

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