Thanks Gary,

That was what I was doing wrong. I'll fix and see how it goes.

I was wondering why that .php file wasn't in the gz directory. Ok so now I 

You probably know from the earlier past of my lat and long, but I'm in 
Oklahoma. USA


On Monday, January 15, 2018 at 7:03:24 AM UTC-6, gjr80 wrote:
> Keith, some answers below
> On Monday, 15 January 2018 18:06:34 UTC+10, wrote:
>> Thanks Gary,
>> I have started working on rtgd and have a few questions.
>> 1. in the gauge.js located in weewx/skins/ss/scripts directory where the 
>> comment says to change to the location of the gauge-data.txt. How do I do 
>> this? I tried the full path from /Users/keith/Sites/weewx to either 
>>  gauge-data.txt in public_html and public_html/ss but it kills gauges.
> The realTimeUrlWeewx setting in gauges.js needs to be set so that your 
> webserver can find gauge-data.txt. You can use a relative or absolute 
> path but remember that any absolute path is relative to your web root (not 
> the root directory of your web server). So if you web server is set to use 
> /var/www/html as its web root and gauge-data.txt is in the 
> /var/www/html/ss directory you could use '/ss/gauge-data.txt'. If you 
> want to use a relative path for realTimeUrlWeewx then the path is 
> relative to gauges.js (which by default is in the ss/scripts directory in 
> your web root) and you might use '../gauge-data.txt'. Its a personal 
> choice (though I am sure some will have good reason for one or the other), 
> I tend to prefer relative paths but it really is your choice.
>> 2. in the github download i pulled down a post_gauge-data.php file along 
>> with the tar.gz . Where do I put this or do I not need it?  I haven't seen 
>> it mentioned anywhere.
> post_gauge-data.php is only used if your web server and weeWX are on 
> different machines AND you wish to use http post to transfer 
> gauge-data.txt to from your weeWX machine to your web server. If this is 
> not the case then you can ignore post_gauge-data.php as it is not needed. 
> If your weeWX and web servers are different machines let me know and I will 
> talk you through its use.
> Probably dumb questions but it kinda has me stuck.
>> Also, out of curiosity, where do you live?
> I am just outside of Brisbane, Australia. 
> Gary

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